Have You Been Bitten By Your Fish?

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
I once had a pair of Severum breeding in a tank, but also had a (large) spiney eel in there that was hand fed with earthworm. I submerged my hand with an earthworm to feed the eel, then the Deacons would go for my hand and bite me to the extent that it drew blood... Have you ever been bitten by any of your fish????
My SAP likes to nip my finger when im holding prawn/cockle/mussel

I suppose they look a bit like prawns lol

My male Dempsey occasionally gets curious more than anything and seems to venture toward the hairs on my arms when there in the tank. Other than that i once had what i can only call "Rainbow Suckers" the scientific name escapes me but whenever i did water changes in my tank they would without fail swim to my arm and suck up and down my arm. Apparently eating the bad skin. Never had a severe bite though, suppose i don't keep the right fish to be bitten properly. Although my dempseys could potentially deliver a nasty nip if i go exploring the depths of their tank during spawning...
I've been bitten by a jag, snakehead, and a jack dempsey which all nipped a bit!

I once had a Puffer... (in fresh/brackish water) bite a chunk of flesh from a Blue Acara... I'm sure they could hurt if nabbed by them!
I think you should get another and do a scientific experiment of the amount of damage it can do at various stages of its life! :hyper:
I tried it with a channa micropeltis but I only have 1 entry so no good! :lol:
I'm not surprised, don't puffers have beaks technically. I know i had to feed mine snails every so often to keep the bill part from growing to much. Sadly my puffer didnt last very long, but it used to love crushing snails...i'm d*mn sure it would have hurt if it were to nip me on occasion.

Edit: Lol i can't even put that word :p
I was bitten neumerous times by my HRPs and my old puffers used to nip my fingers at feeding time - been having a lot of finger nipping at the moment when I go to feed from rainbows and heastanders haha.

My eldest ram went for me when I temp divided the tank for a day before the were re-homed. He really really wanted to defend his 30l of water!
Texas have bitten me a few times, usually when I am securing cucumber or something tasty in the tank. Got around 60 baby rotkeil severums who just love the soft bits of flesh to nip at when I am cleaning out the tank, but that more tickles. The one fish that actively seeks out my arm to munch on is my beloved Jethro my 18" common plec, once he has been up and down my arm a few times sucking away I am left with lovely smooth skin :lol: , its a really strange feeling as he is so gentle with his soft lips, so not exactly biting :lol:
I personally haven't but I do have a funny story. Last weekend I was getting a water sample from a tank at the aquarium and I was told to watch out for the bonnethead shark that was in there so I stuck the bottle in when some other harmless big fella of a fish showed up trying get food and scared me to death :lol:
I thought I was going to be 'attacked' by my Odessa Barbs tonight when I did a water change! Curious buggers!

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