Have Narrowed My Choice Down To 3 Filters....


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
It's a 125l tank, and I'd like a decent amount of turnover but not too much in the way of current...at the mo my Fluval 3+ is giving a bit too much flow for the plants (even when turned down + pointed at the back of the tank).

So it's between:

Eheim 2026 - It was the top runner on build quality and noise levels...but I'm not as impressed by the actually filtration set-up

Or TetraTec EX1200 - For the price and such I really like this...build quality isn't necessarily as good as the eheim and I'm not sure it's as quiet. I LOVE how many layers of filters there are in it though...it gives a huge amount of flexibility

OR Fluval U4 - Just thinking as you can change the output...and it's a nice little flip top.

I'm edging more and more towards TetraTec Ex1200...I figure it comes with a warranty, and I'll keep my old filter for emergencies just in case something did go wrong.

Has anyone got the U4...or any of the U series for that matter? Are they as good as they look? Or is it just some good marketing?
Dont go tetratec ex1200

Don't get me wrong its a great filter.. BUT I have had nothing but problems since I got it,

Firstly the impeller was oscilating so had to buy a new one, Water is getting into the motor head. Each time I prime it water squirts in my face :p
And I get random leaks with it. Makes me feel very uncomfortable
the build quality just feels very cheap sadly, as I do really like it.

I just upgraded it (waiting for delivery) to an Eheim electronic Pro thingy... That looks tasty
You were meant to say..."It's great...it's brilliant..."

Instead my purse hurts...or more precisely my VISA card. lol. Oh well. I suppose I should resign to the fact that you genuinely get what you pay for. Thing is, I kinda want the size up from the Eheim ProII 2026.

Or more precisely I want the new 3 series... The 2073.

If only price wasn't a factor. I think I will go with the 2026 unless anyone thinks the U4 / U series is really really good. And not just a bit gimmicky.
honestly the Ex1200 is fantastic but I have had endless problems with the motor head, apparently it was an earlier design issue, and has been solved..
But I lost my details so couldnt get a replacement :p

Hope that sets your mind a little.

and yes I felt what I bought, Got the expensive version £200 designed for 700litre tank.. on my modest 125litre :hyper:
Given the choice between those I'd get the 2026, Tetratecs are generally great (as with any filter, you sometimes get a bad one), but that's why you would pay more for an Eheim.

But if money was an issue (as it always is for me), I'd go for the Tetrate (or a Fluval 405 :p).

The Fluval U4 is brilliant, but it's still an internal filter, so isnt as good as an external IMO.
If you want to go a bit larger than the 2026 there is the 2028.
there is no choice mate... eheim every time... if you want a trouble free life
tetratecs are fine. i had a fault with one of mine and i had a new part sent to me free of charge withing 2 days. rupert is great at tetra. eheim customer service is non existent so when you do get a problem, you are stranded.
Thanks everyone for your opinion.
I think I'll end up with the Eheim. Not sure if it'll be the 2026 or 2028. It's £20 extra for an extra 1x turnover.

I've got some time until pay day...but at the moment, I think it's going to have to be the eheim 2026.
It's not like money isn't an issue, but once I'm at Uni, reliability has to be 110% as I wont be there to clean up the mess! lol.
tetratecs are fine. i had a fault with one of mine and i had a new part sent to me free of charge withing 2 days. rupert is great at tetra. eheim customer service is non existent so when you do get a problem, you are stranded.

Nick I rung on Tuesday morning, Rupert told me ring the parts centre in Germany, which I did and got the rudest woman ever dealing with me. Suffice to say I rang Rupert back and put in a complaint. Apparently my part was sent Thursday last by DHL and I should have it tomorrow. Now why couldn't they have sent it the same day, knowing full well the problem with the part is their fault and knowing I have a tank full of fish and plants. I am really not happy, my plants are going brown and I haven't fed my fish for 5 days and there is no guarantee the part will solve my problem. If it doesn't, I am going to ring Rupert again and ask for a replacement unit, it's not really good enough imo.
i have a problem free life using only fluval filters, eheims might have a slightly better build quality but no where near enough to justify the price difference.
i run an fx5, 305, 2x 3plus and a 2 plus and never get problems! more than enough to satisfy me!

odd isn't it, how peoples experience of kit can be so different...

I would not run fluval or tetratec for any essential task, OK for complimentary/chem but never for main/bio..... (even if you paid me)
I have a Eheim classic 2217 and have not had a fault with it at all...It had had two previous owners and I havent had a problem. It is on my Rio 180 and moves my water around pretty good. Just nosiy when you first set it up but I think that is the same with all externals.

Have heard fluvals are a pain in the butt if they go wrong.

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