have my fish got enough room?


Fish Herder
Mar 5, 2004
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hello....just been sitting here wondering if you think my stocking levels are ok. i have a juwel trigon 190 and my fish are.....4 pim pictus,4 silver sharks,3 red line barbs,1 golden wonder panchax,3 rainbow panchax,1 bristlenose,1 gold nugget,1 gold ram,1 syno eupterus,1 botia dario and 1 botia striata.........your views would be helpful.....thank you..... :D
The general rule of thumb for stocking a tank is 1" of fish per gallon. However this really only applies to small fish (3" and under) and larger fish should be more like 1" per 5 gallons. Some may disagree on that! It also depends on the fish, because some fish produce more waste than others (like plecos).

Are your fish juveniles or full-grown? I didn't do the math and am not sure of the adult size of some of those fish. I do know that silver sharks can get quite large... like 14" or more. IMO, if your fish are juvies, they may be OK for now but will eventually need more room.
my fish are still youngsters....know that silver sharks grow large.I will be getting a 400 l tank at some point hopefully soon.
chali said:
hello....just been sitting here wondering if you think my stocking levels are ok. i have a juwel trigon 190 and my fish are.....4 pim pictus,4 silver sharks,3 red line barbs,1 golden wonder panchax,3 rainbow panchax,1 bristlenose,1 gold nugget,1 gold ram,1 syno eupterus,1 botia dario and 1 botia striata.........your views would be helpful.....thank you..... :D
how big is your tank?
from what i can see you will eventually have about 126" of fish

- (pimidella?) pictus catfish get about 6"-7" each
- silver sharks get 8"
- red line barbs (would that be the red lined torpedo barbs?) get 6"
- i beleive that golden wonder panchax get to be about 4"
- rainbow panchax get to be between 3.75-4"
- bristlenose get 5" (depending on exact species, although some have gotten up to 9")
- gold nugget plecos get 8"
- rams get about 3"
- syno eupterus get 6" (i'm jelous by the way! :*) )
- your queen loach (botia dario) will get 6"
- and your botia striata will only get 4"
we kinda knew that our tank would be overstocked if the fish were at full size but as we know we are getting a bigger tank we supposed it didn't matter for a short while.......gotta say that my tank is stunning at the m oment
holy cow! :eek:
I am unfarmiliar with the juwel trigon 190
and i though it was in gallons but i searched it and it came up in litres
so its like a 50 gallon?
holy smokes!
yeah your tank will be ok now but the 400l is a VERY good idea unless you want some eaten fishies :sick:

have fun
(i want your fish!) :lol:
:D juwel trigon is a corner tank that is very pleasing to the eye. i adore my fish and my man is so insistent on getting a bigger one that i have no worries!!
one of these days i will work out how to use my camera and will post u all some pictures.xx.

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