Have My Corals Died?

Yes. It uses CO2 through photosynthesis during the day, raising the pH. But, it uses only O2 at night, and produces CO2, through cellular respiration, and that drives down pH.
ooo ooo i know this photosynthesis stuff, were doing it in biology. Calvin cycle, photosynthesis cycle.... If you want to learn something even cooler, plants dont convert CO2 into O2, they convert 2H2O into O2 :)
Yes. It uses CO2 through photosynthesis during the day, raising the pH. But, it uses only O2 at night, and produces CO2, through cellular respiration, and that drives down pH.

That is the reason you would have the fuge lights on during the night when your tank lights were off, so when tank pH levels go down, the photosythesising properties of the macroalgae will help bring it back up along with your O2 levels! ;)
ooo ooo i know this photosynthesis stuff, were doing it in biology. Calvin cycle, photosynthesis cycle.... If you want to learn something even cooler, plants dont convert CO2 into O2, they convert 2H2O into O2 :)

Did you cover the specificity of chloroplasts yet? :)

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