Have I Bought Enough Cory's?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 7, 2007
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I've just bought six cory's and was wondering if the numbers were ok?

I've basicaly got 3 albino and 3 peppered and was thinking they should shoal together nicely?

So far seems so good but I was just wondering if my assumption was correct?

I'm planning on getting an additional 6 Skunk cory's in a little while which I think should make a nice little collection of cory's altogether :)

Oooh also is it a possibility that the albinos and peppers might mate?


Are they albino peppers or another kind of albino?
Corys like to be with their own kind... 5 or more of each kind.
If it were me... I would get at least 2 more of the kinds you already have to get their numbers up a little more if I could. I love how they have so much more personality when their group gets bigger.
If they are C. Aeneas they will not shoal readily or mate with C. Paleatus. As Iceegrl suggested, your best bet for lively fish is to get more of what you already have. You have not said how large your tank is but a dozen cories o the size of peppers and your albinos is quite a bioload. In a larger tank its no problem but in a small one it could be. The skunks get about the same size so switching to them would not help as far as the bioload.
If they are C. Aeneas they will not shoal readily or mate with C. Paleatus. As Iceegrl suggested, your best bet for lively fish is to get more of what you already have. You have not said how large your tank is but a dozen cories o the size of peppers and your albinos is quite a bioload. In a larger tank its no problem but in a small one it could be. The skunks get about the same size so switching to them would not help as far as the bioload.

Its my new 28 gallon tank so it should be fine, I think I'll just get 3 more of each though and leave it at that as the tank is going to be hogged by livebearers!

The ones I have in there so far al seem to shoal quite happily and are really active but I'm more than happy to get some more in their as they make for quite a lively looking tank!


I am glad you have room to add more. They will thank you... They do get along with other kinds, but they are much better with their own kind... :good:
Well I got more cories then today!

I got 1 more albino (Shop only had one left poor little fella looked lonely!)

I also got 3 more peppers, their all shoaling really well and way more active and playful now :)
My experience with Cories and shoaling has been mixed. Seems like the shoaling thing goes away with bigger groups. Right now I have 12 C. Elegans and they constantly stay in 2 sperate groups (except at feed time). I also just bought 6 C. Caudimaculatus and four of them hang out together and the other two hang out with one of the two Elegans groups!

Go figure :)

I still plan to add at least 1 or two more groups of 6 cories before I am done. You can never have too many cories :)

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