Have fish, don't know what 2 do. Fear might die!

So, does that mean I should replace the water often? How often?

Sorry, but I honestly know nothing!


PS: You can email me at borderlinepsychopath@gmx.net if you have a lot of info that can help me. I really appreciate your help!
With a small tank, I suppose a gravel cleaner would be too big, but basically on about a weekly basis, you take out about 10-20% of the tank water and substitute with the same quantity of dechlorinated water of the approx. same temperature.

Do you know if you have any reputable local fish shops near you (LFS) if so take about 20ml of tank water to them and they will test it for Ammonia and NitrIte.

Where do you live btw?
I live in Canada, and I'm pretty sure there are some reputable places nearby, I just can't get to them. No car, no money. But I'll do what I can.

Since I'm not sure, should I replace more of the water, or still just 1/5th of it every week? That doesnt' seem like very often.

Anymore info I should know?

Thanks, again!

Few more specific questions:

Should I remove the food after a few minutes, if they don't eat it all, because the platy seems to be eating a lot (but I'm not sure what a lot is) but I'm pretty sure it's more than my Albino Bronze Corydoras is eating. I never see him eat, he spends all his time at the bottom, except for a few quick times he surfaces.

Is there any chance that they would breed? How would I find out what sex the Albino Bronze Corydoras is, I'm pretty sure the Platy is a chick, from the square anal fin.


You should buy some algae wafers for your corydorus or poke fish flakes so they sink to the bottom where he will munch on them also :) There is no chance the cory and the platy will interbreed. In that size tank there is no way you should even consider breeding, but if you got a larger tank you'll find the platy will be extremely easy to breed just requiring a male. The corydorus is a harder fish to breed in an aquarium and really needs a dedicated tank set up for breeding.

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