Have a close look at what needs to be replaced


Fish Crazy
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
I just got my hands on a nice 50 gallon tank...i thought i had to replace the whole hood to accomodate flourecent lighting...i was wrong...upon a closer look i noticed the current light bulb peice screws out and can be replaced with a flourecent one...who would have thought? Just thought i would post that liittle tid bit of info
Hi QHowes :)

I'm so glad to learn that you got a new and bigger tank! :thumbs: Best of luck with it! :nod:
Thank you InchWorm...I cant figure out what is the harder part...comming up with the money to buy nice expensive top notch equipment or deciding what eqipment i want to put in it...I thought the bubbles comming up in the tank would look nice but that is about all it will do :dunno:
Lots of choices...

In other news i got my membership to the local LFS..it was free so i thought what the heck...its only good to people who buy dog food...lol oh well

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