have 3 cories, 1 is a loner


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
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I got my first cory cats last week, 3 julii's. Sp far 2 are inseperable and the other is always by itself. :( I feel bad for the loner....should I try and add another? I had thought they did best in odd numbers.
i dont know, but i have 3 sterbai corys and 2 are like you say, inseperable, and whilst the 3rd is with them only half the time so i worried a little. But then as they grew i realised i had 2 males and 1 female (1 male and 1 female in the 2 that stick together) so i think its just that theyve formed a pair. I have also added 3 more anyway so hopefully hell not feel so left out.
hopefully someone who knows something about there behavious will be around these parts soon to give you a more definitive answer.
all the best.phil

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