Hatching triops


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Hello, just went to Wal-Mart and with the fish they have "Triassic Triops" a little egg hatching kit. Kind of reminds me of sea monkeys except the box has Dinosaurs on it with the triops. Are triops known as anything else in fish-talk? I got a little box and I'm going to hatch them to feed to my fish so they can have some live food, but I was wondering if they are something that the fish are eating already in the frozen foods I buy. Anyone know? :thumbs:
i was wonderin can fry eat sea monkeys? hehe
Brine shrimp scientific name Artemia salina
Triops scientific name Triops longicaudatus
This would suggest they are not the same :rolleyes:
No brineshrimp are not triops. Triops are from seasonal ponds and small bodies of water much like fairy shrimp and some populations of daphnia. They NEED FRESH water and grow to a whopping 2 cm There eggs hatch best when they are hydrated in an extreme manner (i.e. toss them in a mason jar with some water and shake vigorosly) they live for up to three months as I recall and will lay eggs on a screen or some plant material if it protrudes throught the waters surface. they are detrivores oh and chlorene kills them. fter eggs have been layed remove fom water and let dry then once rehydrated them will hatch.

Good luck
Thanks for the info opcn. The box says up to two inches, is that wrong? Would they be fine to feed to my fish?I do live brine too, but I am trying to get a larger variety of live food. Thanks.
Just out of curiosity, are the triops eggs visible to the naked eye, seems like they would be really small. And any required amount of time that needs to pass before they are rehydrated? Sounds like something I would enjoy trying, always looking for "renewable food sources" for the fish!
Could newly born fry eat those triops or brine shrimp? Like as soon as the fry are born.

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