Hatching Killifish Eggs


I know where you live
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Peoria, Illinois
I am looking into Killifish. I was wondering the easiest way to hatch the eggs? Also, would anyone on here be willing to sell me some eggs? I am located in the U.S.
What species were you looking at when you started wondering..... The have different requirements.
Thanks BigC. I was thinking something like Golden Wonders, something hardy, that like a higher pH. I just think it would be incrediably (spelling?) interesting to hatch some Killifish eggs.
Yeah GW's are fairly easy to keep and breed, but they can get big and boisterous when fully mature.
Also they are fairly common and dealers would be able to acquire them quite readily.
Hence they may not want to take some of your fish when they grow.
I would go for something with a little more colour such as Fp. gardneri sp & spp.
With these you would have more of a chance shifting on your breeders off-spring and not be stuck for getting a store or otherwise to take them off your hands.
These will breed quite readily at just below pH7 with soft acidic water.
Please bare in mind though that killifish breeding is not an exact science and you will encounter skewed sex ratios so having 20 fry doesn't necessary mean 10 pair.
If you are looking specifically for hardwater killis then a few of the European sp. (Aphanius) may suit you better but these are nowhere near as colourful as their African counterparts

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