Hastings Sea Life Centre?


May 29, 2007
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I've been to the weymouth one and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I'm asking about the Hastings one as we are taking the Niece and Nephew out for the day (OH is from Rye E. Sussex) and thought that would be a good place to go.

Just wanted some opinions really!!

I know the Brighton one is really good the oldest aquarium in the world. They have a tunnel in their main tank and have a few big turtles, leatherback possibly.

I've been to the Weymouth one too but the brighton one is probably better, + it's right next to the pier, but as you're going to Hastings I don't know.
I live in Dorset (hence been to Weymouth one) and it's fab. We did think about the Brighton one but it's just over an hour's drive from Rye and they are 9 and 6.....don't know if they'd appreciate the journey so much lol!! I'll take them there if you have any tips how to keep 2 kids quiet on a hour's car journey!!
i been to the weymouth one its great!!

not been to hastings

we are going to go to the one at hull


There isn't one in Hull, but there's The Deep in Hull, I went to it late August and it's amazing, it's the World's only Submarium. It also has a 10 metre deep pool which I believe is the deepest in europe. It's situated right on the River Humber.

They have animals such as 7 species of Shark, a Green Sawfish, glow in the dark fish, coral and seahorses. The 10 metre deep pool has large rays, and I mean LARGE, not quite Manta but almost. They also do a Diver feed in there.

It is very good.
There's a good aquarium in portsmouth too, southend's ok too. just adding to the general geography of public aquariums :D
Hastings Underwater World (it's no longer called the SeaLife Centre) isn't bad. It mostly has native fish and invertebrates. The main features are an underwater tunnel (dogfish, rays, things like that) and a shallow pool for rays. There are questions on the wall with buttons you press for the answers which the kids'll probably like. It's also right where the fishing fleet is, so you can see the net huts and the fishing boats on the beach. It's main problem is it's small so it wouldn't be a whole day out. It can also be pretty crowded due to the size.

If you're prepared to do a little bit of walking, you can walk along to the West Hill lift and go up to the Smugglers Adventure. It's a set of caves with a smuggling musuem (lifesized talking models and the like). You should get money off the tickets if you have Underwater World tickets. The two go together well for sea-loving kids. I wouldn't recommend it for very small ones though due to the walking, both walking along to the lift and getting around the caves.

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