Has She(?) Over Eaten Or Carrying Eggs?

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Fish Crazy
Aug 28, 2013
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So I came home today and noticed that one of my Angels has a rather large stomach at the moment. I have done some research and it could be a number of things. But I would like a second opinion as to what you think it may be so I can make sure I do the next steps right to prevent any harm.

I am struggling to get a good picture but will try later with a better camera when it is charged.


She seems in good health, still has an appetite and has no issues swimming so at the moment I am swaying towars eggs or overeating but it does seem to of only developed today.
What have you been feeding your fish and how much? Do you observe your fish eating? 
I would maybe fast them for a day and see if the belly gets larger or shrinks. I think that could be the best way to tell. Even if she is pregnant, they'll most likely just eat the fry. Do you plan on raising the fry if eggs are laid?
I've been through the same thought with my albino cories, when they eat their stomachs get huge and they appear to be pregnant, when really they're just fat. Although, on one occurrence, one of them was carrying eggs. I found little green/whitish eggs all over the glass.
I agree with fasting her, and I have heard people suggest feeding her an unshelled pea when your done with the fasting. I have never tried this, so take it for what its worth.
I normally feed them a little bit most days and quite often go a day or two letting them fast. They eat a mix of dry fish food and frozen food which has 5 different types in it from Brineshrimp to blood worm.
However I must say that my partner fed the fish today so she may've over cooked it a bit even though I told her to do only put a tiny amount in. I will starve them for the next day or two and see how things go.
As with the plans raising the fry, I don't really have any, just thought if it happens it happens. If it does happen I will probably try and raise them and move them to my smaller tank to grow out in to prevent them from being eaten.
Sounds like it could be just bloating. frozen foods are usually really rich in fatty acids. 
I only give the frozen stuff once every other week or so and they last had it about 4-5 days ago
If its eggs, check for them cleaning a possible laying site, and for their breeding tubes to drop.
And if indeed eggs, prepare for it to happen every couple of weeks.
However if a bit of over feeding, a fast won't hurt.

Pretty girl by the way.
Yeah I'm going to keep an eye on their behaviour and see what happens.
Tbh I'm still not entirely sure what sexes my angels are but again I will get some pics and share.
Thanks Pepper :)
Good news is that my Angel is back to her normal slim self. She must've over eaten so my partner won't be feeding the fish for me again xD
On a side note would anyone be able to try and help sex them? Pictures below :) I have two pics of the black/white angel

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