Has My Mum Made A Huge Mistake?


Fish Addict
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Mid-east Missouri
A few days ago I put some of the media from my mature filter into her tank. Since then all levels have been fine. This prompted her to go out earlier today and pick up 2 "jelly bean" fish.

I know nothing about these fish and would like some help. The tank is a 29gal, will this be enough room for the fish? Also, what do they eat/need to live properly and healthily? I doubt she did much research on these fish before she bought them, so any help/info about them would be greatly appreciated!

She also picked up 4 spotted ( I assume they are Peppered) corys. So the stocking in her tank as of now is:

2x Jelly bean
4x Black neon tetras
4x Peppered corys
6-8x Ghost shrimp
A few days ago I put some of the media from my mature filter into her tank. Since then all levels have been fine. This prompted her to go out earlier today and pick up 2 "jelly bean" fish.

I know nothing about these fish and would like some help. The tank is a 29gal, will this be enough room for the fish? Also, what do they eat/need to live properly and healthily? I doubt she did much research on these fish before she bought them, so any help/info about them would be greatly appreciated!

She also picked up 4 spotted ( I assume they are Peppered) corys. So the stocking in her tank as of now is:

2x Jelly bean
4x Black neon tetras
4x Peppered corys
6-8x Ghost shrimp

edited, read wrong
I rhink the fish she bought maybe a dyed fish. I made this mistake a while ago. The fish are not naturally this collour, they are either dipped in dye or injected with dye to make them this colour.

What sort of size are they, what sort of clours are they, any chance of any pics???
I don't think they're dyed, they are a pinky/skin tone. A few inches in length with a distinct hatred for my mum's cobomba.

going by that picture there not dyed , that's there natural colour, well if they can be called natural lol..

Might be worth posting in the hybrid section, you may be able to get a bit better advice over htere :good:
yes, they are parrots and grow to 10". should not be kept in a 29 gallon. if your mom insists on keeping fish, she really should be serious about it. not knowing anything about a fish and buying it is asking for trouble and is also irresponsible.
Besides any issue of the jelly bean parrots being too large for your tank, they are quite aggressive and definitely aren't fish for a community tank. Some fish sold as "jellybean" parrots are indeed dyed but those don't appear to be.

It's also possible that the corys aren't peppered. Actually, if they told here they were spotted corys, it's more likely they are one of several species including punctatus, agassiziis and schwartzi to name a few, that are often sold as spotted corys.

On a totally different note, you said that you gave her some filter media from your tank but that does not instantly cycle a tank unless you gave her enough. Considering the large stock she has all of a sudden, she should keep a close eye on ammonia and nitrite to make sure they don't start climbing.
Jeally Beans are Actually Short Bodied Convict's. THey get about 4 inches. If you dont belive me, PM ~T~
Why so many conflicting answers?

10 inches, 4 inches... parrot fish, convicts, good bad...

What the hell are they.....
I believe those are parrot fish, not short bodied convicts. They will grow to about 10 inches long and are hybrids. They should not be kept in a 29g and are not community safe, as many cichlids are. I would suggest posting in the hybrid forum if you want more info.

I believe true jellybean parrots are hybrid convicts as krib stated. Convicts grow to about 6" but these could be smaller as krib also stated. Regardless of size, they are bad for a community tank as they are extremely aggressive and will end up killing any smaller, less aggressive fish like the corys, tetras and ghost shrimp. Here is a link to a very old thread (2005) about jellybeans that refers some to size but mainly about their aggression.
Hi Snooks1! :)

Check this thread out, including the links, and see if you can relate your Mom's fish to anything there.


Have you seen the term MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome)? It often means getting more tanks because the fish you have don't fit, or can't get along with, the fish in the tanks you already have set up. Many of us are in the same or similar situations. ;)

I am going to move your thread into the Hybrid section. Does your Mom use the computer? If so, perhaps she'd like to become a TFF member too. :D
yes, they are parrots and grow to 10". should not be kept in a 29 gallon. if your mom insists on keeping fish, she really should be serious about it. not knowing anything about a fish and buying it is asking for trouble and is also irresponsible.

Don't you think that's a bit harsh. People tend to get "radio d!ck" on forums and its wrong. You could have said - Maybe your mom should try to return them if possible and maybe ask the salesperson if the tank is appropriate. You don't have to be rude.

Edit ~ no one is a master at anything at first attempts.

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