Has anyone here had a fish survive dropsy?

The taxidermy animal is probably already dead... i wonder if you can taxidermy a fish
Yes, you can if the fish didn’t rotten yet, just put it in the fridge and I will give you the info later on if you want.

below is he picture of my dead fishes in the fridge, it has been 6 months in there....I’m too lazy to do it.
most of them are from my TFF because their shipping gone horrably wrong...most of them died in the bags, there are a hundreds of tiger barbs in the bags and there is even an arowana in there
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Yes, you can if the fish didn’t rotten yet, just put it in the fridge and I will give you the info later on if you want.
Thankyou, thoughI think I would start with a better specimen. A pine coned, bloated betta with fin rot would look awful. I prefer cute fluffy taxidermy and the weird stuff that combines species.
You ordered an Arowana? Where on earth were you going to put it?
I have had one and only one survive dropsy and he’s still alive. I used Kanaplex and Furan-2. Also gave him epsom salt baths. Rest have died.
The animal are already dead, I have never kill any animal even an ant, the only thing I killed a lot is mosquitoes.
You need to catch the mozzie larvae and feed them to your fish.

You ordered an Arowana? Where on earth were you going to put it?
He didn't order an Arowana. His local fish shop had one that died and Barry took it to turn into a taxidermy fish.
I have had one and only one survive dropsy and he’s still alive. I used Kanaplex and Furan-2. Also gave him epsom salt baths. Rest have died.
Fair enough and well done. I noticed the fish was ill a few weeks ago when treatment may have worked. Furan2 is available on the U.K., kanaplex is not. It is quite expensive keeping fish here, Furan2 is £20 a packet and a new fancy Betta will cost upwards of £30.
@Barry Tetra do you have any pictures of some fish you have already taxidermied?
I will post it on saturday, It’s in the garage and you know I’m scared of ghost, I have to bring my cousins in there.

sadly I have never do small fish like betta and stuff, I mean I know the way to do it but I’m just too lazy for small fish, I rather do gourami and stuff.
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I had two goldfish survive an awful bout of dropsy in Jan/Feb this year. Not sure what initially caused it. There were four goldfish in the same tank: two got sick and the other two didn't.

I isolated them in a tub, did a full course of kanaplex, then a full course of maracyn, then a full course of EM. Several Epsom salt baths, appx. 100% water changes (almost) daily, and fed them medicated anti-parasite food over about three weeks.

It was arduous but they survived. Full disclosure, I got most of my meds for free because I'm a favored ex-emplyee of my local petstore and they refused to charge me, just wanting to help me save my fish.

These pics are before and after. Sorry they're kinda blurry.


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I had two goldfish survive an awful bout of dropsy in Jan/Feb this year. Not sure what initially caused it. There were four goldfish in the same tank: two got sick and the other two didn't.

I isolated them in a tub, did a full course of kanaplex, then a full course of maracyn, then a full course of EM. Several Epsom salt baths, appx. 100% water changes (almost) daily, and fed them medicated anti-parasite food over about three weeks.

It was arduous but they survived. Full disclosure, I got most of my meds for free because I'm a favored ex-emplyee of my local petstore and they refused to charge me, just wanting to help me save my fish.

These pics are before and after. Sorry they're kinda blurry.
Well done!!! Those are beautiful fish. I’m glad to hear that it is possible to help them.

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