Has Anyone Had Success With Bn's Breeding In A Mbuna Tank?

5teady_2012 said:
Sorry I am new to cichlids so il be more specific what I have in my tank. as mbuna maybe something I have mistaken in conversation.
I have a yellow labs (all are around 1-2"
yellow tailed acei (1-2")
Cynotilapia afra  (1-2")
and my bristlenose.
I never jump in the deep end with things and always try to gather as much info first and from what iv read and listened to, the fish I have very compatable, but please correct this if its wrong as I don't want unhappy unhealthy fish.
Really everyone after this post. specifically..after ..this post...  Are pretending that this idea is fine?? Yes Your bn may survive ..will it thrive no(well f it survives)!! will you be able to breed it Heck no...in this tank. I can't believe you have enough years to know to keep Mbunas together but don't know their needs . Yes you need to test your PH and such. Mbuna needs are so very specific that it is intensely hard to keep them with haps let alone other fish ... and then bn plecs, who really thrive in very different water..
I have kept/Keep each one you mentioned and while watered down yellow labs are not as aggressive..they can learn to be. And Acei's are sweethearts but my tank boss before over thrown was in fact a very dominant acei. 
Please read up on and study how to keep Mbunas and forget your bn pleco. 
Agent14 said:
Sorry I am new to cichlids so il be more specific what I have in my tank. as mbuna maybe something I have mistaken in conversation.
I have a yellow labs (all are around 1-2"
yellow tailed acei (1-2")
Cynotilapia afra  (1-2")
and my bristlenose.
I never jump in the deep end with things and always try to gather as much info first and from what iv read and listened to, the fish I have very compatable, but please correct this if its wrong as I don't want unhappy unhealthy fish.
Really everyone after this post. specifically..after ..this post...  Are pretending that this idea is fine?? Yes Your bn may survive ..will it thrive no(well f it survives)!! will you be able to breed it Heck no...in this tank. I can't believe you have enough years to know to keep Mbunas together but don't know their needs . Yes you need to test your PH and such. Mbuna needs are so very specific that it is intensely hard to keep them with haps let alone other fish ... and then bn plecs, who really thrive in very different water..
I have kept/Keep each one you mentioned and while watered down yellow labs are not as aggressive..they can learn to be. And Acei's are sweethearts but my tank boss before over thrown was in fact a very dominant acei. 
Please read up on and study how to keep Mbunas and forget your bn pleco. 
That's a bit dramatic! and well OTT
I have done plenty of reading and have got all my fish off very experienced people who keep them and know a lot about them, and my 3 species of chiclids are more than compatible
And are you talking to me when saying "You have enough years to know to keep mbunas together" because I never said I had experience with cichlids if so* (see previous posts) or are you talking to Eagle? if so then I can see what he was trying to say because if my ph had been at the lower end which would of been fine for the cichlids, the plecs would be fine too at their higher end of the ph tolerance.
After doing a lot of research last night, and conflicting information, I am taking the advice of the majority which is to NOT keep the Bn's in my cichlid tank, although the information was conflicting, on average said that Bn plecs max ph level is 7.6 and my ph is higher than this.

The Bn's can have their own species tank.

Also, the cold part of the water change to induce spawning is, imo, the least important trigger. Barometric pressure changes and TDS changes (cleaner purer water) are much more important. However, bn are the convicts of the pleco world. It is much harder to prevent them spawning than to get them to do so in most cases.
The part about substrate spawning cichlids and plecos was on the money. Not so much the egg part as the fact that plecos are bottom dwellers and substrate spawning cichlids kill anything that gets close, or try to.
5teady_2012 said:

Sorry I am new to cichlids so il be more specific what I have in my tank. as mbuna maybe something I have mistaken in conversation.
I have a yellow labs (all are around 1-2"
yellow tailed acei (1-2")
Cynotilapia afra  (1-2")
and my bristlenose.
I never jump in the deep end with things and always try to gather as much info first and from what iv read and listened to, the fish I have very compatable, but please correct this if its wrong as I don't want unhappy unhealthy fish.
Really everyone after this post. specifically..after ..this post...  Are pretending that this idea is fine?? Yes Your bn may survive ..will it thrive no(well f it survives)!! will you be able to breed it Heck no...in this tank. I can't believe you have enough years to know to keep Mbunas together but don't know their needs . Yes you need to test your PH and such. Mbuna needs are so very specific that it is intensely hard to keep them with haps let alone other fish ... and then bn plecs, who really thrive in very different water..
I have kept/Keep each one you mentioned and while watered down yellow labs are not as aggressive..they can learn to be. And Acei's are sweethearts but my tank boss before over thrown was in fact a very dominant acei. 
Please read up on and study how to keep Mbunas and forget your bn pleco. 
That's a bit dramatic! and well OTT
I have done plenty of reading and have got all my fish off very experienced people who keep them and know a lot about them, and my 3 species of chiclids are more than compatible
And are you talking to me when saying "You have enough years to know to keep mbunas together" because I never said I had experience with cichlids if so* (see previous posts) or are you talking to Eagle? if so then I can see what he was trying to say because if my ph had been at the lower end which would of been fine for the cichlids, the plecs would be fine too at their higher end of the ph tolerance.
After doing a lot of research last night, and conflicting information, I am taking the advice of the majority which is to NOT keep the Bn's in my cichlid tank, although the information was conflicting, on average said that Bn plecs max ph level is 7.6 and my ph is higher than this.

The Bn's can have their own species tank.


I wasn't being dramatic. I post without emotion..so don't read too deep into it and just read what I post. They aren't my fish. Glad you decided to get separate tanks.  
The Cichlids really do NEED their water to be high KH and PH. There really isn't any conflicting info on their needs that I've ever seen(only what I have heard store employees say when they haven't researched) . I guess I assumed the fact you had only Mbunas(good choice) for your Africans that perhaps you knew a bit more about their needs. I'll not go off topic so if you need help in that dept...I can offer help. As for your BN ... you should have no problem in a proper species only setup. 
When I said that's a bit a dramatic and OTT, I was not on about your post, i was referring to how the thread was going and it seemed to have gone the drama route and it was getting a bit OTT.
I quoted you in regards to wheter or not you was talking to me or the other guy

I appreciate your help and time as i do the other posters too.
I know exactly what im doing with the bristlenose i have bred them many times for a long time before quitting the hobby due to my kids needing my time more, what i started the thread for is because i wanted feedback on whether or not they was ok to go in with cichlids and if they had success spawning in the,. (least now i know, its for the best not too.
I have today setup the bn's tank its only a 60L but its well over filtered and ive added a lot of mature media to the 3 filters that's in the tank (2 x sponge filters and one medium internal) to boost the cycle along.
I like to run 3 filters because if and when they spawn, i always turn the internal off and place it in my main tank to keep the bacteria good, and let the 2 remaining sponge filters run the tank as the fry off the bns are much more safer without the internal running.
I will be adding cherry shrimps in with the bn's too and some java moss, and apple snails (this was the same as my setups back in the day)
I was lucky enough to get a good amount of bogwood given to me today so that's gone in the BN's tank too, just awaiting the males cave now

As for the cichlids with the Bn's load taken off the their tank, i might add a few more, with me only having 2 yellow tailed acei's i was thinking about getting another 3 to add to their group, the water parameters are spot on (that was with BN's in it too) so i think the new load if i got 2 more yt acei's would be fine, don't you?
I am going to stick to the 3 species i have (main reason: my missus loves them because they are in colour coordination with the living room lol)
Again im thankful for all your comments, time, and help.

I have spawned bn in 15 gal. (about 56l) tanks. But I used other tanks to grow out the fry.

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