Has anyone had experience with White Cloud Mountain Minnows???

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Fish Crazy
Feb 18, 2020
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Hey, everyone! I am thinking of breeding white clouds (White Cloud Mountain Minnows). I have kept them for around three months now! They are an awesome fish! I realised a month a go that I have 2 males, and 2 females (how convenient) and now I really want to breed them and give them to the pet store. Here are some pics of them:

And above is the ranchu goldfish that lives with them!
The temperature ranges from 14-18C in here because it is nearing to winter. But I have a small 20 litre tank that I could possibly breed them in. It has a sponge filter and 5 guppy fry (2cm or more long). I saw the males showing off their FABULOUS fins a month a go, but I don't think they are breeding. Let me know if any of you have kept or bred these guys before and please suggest some method and ways to breed them please! I really appreciate it! BTW that plant at the back of the tank is called Pennywort!
I have a spawning mop in my tank and I have 3 White Cloud Mountain minnows and they have only laid eggs once but they were unfortunately eaten by my platy fish :( so would suggest to not have them in a tank with other fish, wish u the best of luck tho!
If you want to breed white clouds you have 2 choices.
1) Put the fish in a heavily planted tank, feed them well and keep the water temperature around 24C. The adults will breed and the babies will hide among the plants. You can scoop the babies out and rear them up in another tank/ container. You get a few babies like that.

2) Separate males and females for 4-5 days, then put 1pr (1male & 1 female) into a tank about 18-24 inches long. Have a layer of Java Moss on the bottom. Feed the fish well and have the temperature at 24C. Leave the adults until the females have shed their eggs (they will look skinny), then remove the adults and rear the fry up in the breeding tank. You get most babies this way.

The adults need to be fed 3-5 times a day for a couple of weeks before breeding them.

The following link has information on culturing food for baby fish. You need to start the food cultures about 4-5 weeks before you breed the fish so you have lots of food for the fry.

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