has anyone got experience with ?????


Fish Fanatic
Dec 14, 2004
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hi i have had a feather fin cat for 1.5 yrs since he was a tiny (network cat) he is around 8 " and has always got a big belly unlike the clown cat i have i was just wondering if my feater fin has reached maturity yet? will it grow any more or has he stoped growing now :dunno:

he is housed with a jaguar cichlid 12"
the clown cat 7"
and a p delzeri 6.5"
in a 400 ltr (100 gal) tank

thanks :sly:
Just did a google search and most site say 6-7 inch so i would say it is definately fully grown. Just to be sure take a look at planet catfish and make sure it is that species that you have as a lot of synos look alike.

Hope this helps

just for future reference can you go by scientific name? i dont know how many people call different cats network cats and theres got to be 100's of cats with clown in their name
:*) so sorry fishy411

the feather fin cat is a synodontis euperus and the clown cat is a synodontis decorus i will endeavor to use the scientific name next time i make an enquiry :*)
trimacdevilconvict said:
:*) so sorry fishy411

the feather fin cat is a synodontis euperus and the clown cat is a synodontis decorus i will endeavor to use the scientific name next time i make an enquiry  :*)

yea i recognized the featherfin and clown but synos are some of my favorite fish and others may not know.

hows your bichir doing. theyre not the tough fish everyone thinks they are
:D he is doing extremly well thanks for asking sometimes the featherfin picks on him a little but other than that the other tank mates leave him to his own devices he lkes to hide in the onion/long grass plants (i dont know the nam of thes plants but they are very long and grass like with big onion type bulbs ) he loves them :D

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