Has Anyone Got Any Info About Cold Water Fish?


New Member
May 21, 2007
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hello everyone i have got a few questoins about these kinds of fish!!!

weather loaches
1.what do weather loaches eat?
2.how big do they get?
3.do they bully any other fish?
coldwater plecos
1.what do they eat?
2.how big do they get?
3.what temperature do they need
moor fish
1.what do they eat?
2.how big do they get?
3.do they bully any other fish?

thanx for looking please cn i have some answers because i have only just started fish keeping and i need to know a bit more if you have any other info about coldwater fish please reply to my topic
thanx angelfishyfriend xxx

sorry about the mistakes
they all sound like bottem dwellers to me.
for the gold fish they eatn gold fish flakes for plecos they eat algea waffers. ^_^
the the weather dojo they eat leftover food that fall to the bottom if the tank.
i dont think temp matters.
i keep many fish that needs heat but didnt give them heaters and there fine. :lol:
any more questions??
I would be dubious about:
coldwater plecos

Can you describe/find a picture/or get the species of to which you are referring?

I've seen many fish sold by this name, and unfortunately I've never seen one sold as this that is actually suitable for a regular coldwater community tank, but if you can provide the above we can give more specific details to why :).
It also depends whether by coldwater you mean true coldwater or room temperature....
they all sound like bottem dwellers to me.
for the gold fish they eatn gold fish flakes for plecos they eat algea waffers. ^_^
the the weather dojo they eat leftover food that fall to the bottom if the tank.
i dont think temp matters.
i keep many fish that needs heat but didnt give them heaters and there fine. :lol:
any more questions??
welcome to the forum !!! hi im angelfishyfriend i hope you can get a lot of infomaton from this forum thanx for replying thanx for replying to my topic
i have two weather loaches so i can tell you about them, they eat flake food and although they do like to scavenge off the bottom they do swim to the top of the tank to get their fair share of food, they like cucumber as a treat and mix well with goldfish and sucker loaches. they are the only true coldwater loach as they can survive extreme coldwater tempratures and are very playful as they get bigger. mine are about 7 inches in legnth and have grown rapidly {doubled in size in six months} they grow about ten to twelve inches in size. if you find some buy a couple as they add interest to your tank.
i keep many fish that needs heat but didnt give them heaters and there fine. :lol:

That is absolutely horrid information to give to a newby, complete rubbish. It's irresponsible and very WRONG. There is nothing funny about it; and you shouldn't be giving information that is in all certainty, wrong, to a newb.

If a fish needs heat, then you must provide it to them or they will surely suffer. Just because a fish is alive does not mean that it is thriving, nor healthy.

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