Has Anyone Ever Successfully Kept Dwarf Gouramis?


Fish Addict
Feb 4, 2007
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Hey all - bit of a survey here, thought this was the best place as this forum seems to have the most traffic.

Over in the Gourami/Anabantoid forum there's been a LOT of members with problems with their dwarfs - typically they develop ulcers, then die shortly thereafter. :-( Usually we've only had these dwarfs a few months, if that. According to sylvia - this is a common problem with dwarfs - who are prone to developing a particular 'dwarf gourami disease' if they are already not a carrier. In the last fortnight or so alone, there has been four of us - myself, Jozlyn, Biulu, and Colonel Mustard - and other have come out saying they've had the same thing happen to previous dwarfs in the past (Jozlyn's on her second, cuticom, and Nemo) and I'm sure there are others out there too. If anyone's interested in more info - check out our threads in that forum. *Edit* we've got another one with ulcers - ashlea87.
Throughout the threads we were posting on sylvia noticed a few of us were Australians - she thought this might be important as she recalled a fishkeeping magazine had done an article on dwarf gourami disease on fishes in Australian shops. That there might be something in the fish stocks in Australia.

One of my main points of posting this topic is to help me make a decision as to whether it is worth trying with dwarfs again - or to save myself the (inevitable?) heartache and go with another species (considering pearls). I do really love the dwarfs, I think they're beautiful, so now I ask you all : -

- Have you ever successfully kept dwarf gouramis for an extended period of time? How long? In particular, have any Aussies done so?

- What part of the world are you from?

- Also, has anyone else had the same unfortunate experiences with dwarfs as I've outlined above?

This will help me decide whether to try to keep dwarfs again, so please respond. It might be interesting to see if any problem areas stand out.
Thanks in advance :)
hi well at the monment have a red honey dwarf gourami and have had it sincebefore christmas and it is looking very healthy and i live in australia its a female
Had all the same problems, and I'm in the UK. Had fish from various sources, so cant be blamed on bad supplier. All died within a couple of weeks of getting the ulcers. Wont ever buy any more either, just a waste of money for a pretty nondescript fish IMO. Much healthier and better looking fish out there ;)
I have kept 1 dwarf for three or so months. It survived through a major water problem we had but our banded dwarf did not fair so well unfortunately.
not had massive problems with them

had one pair years ago who lasted a good couple of years although if i remember correctly they did drop dead rather suddenly and i never worked out why

had another pair more recently who were fine for about a year then i closed down the tank and re-homed them, can't say what's happened to them afterwards :dunno:

i've seen absolutely loads of unhealthy and dying specimins in lfs's around here though so when i've got them i've been very careful which ones i get
hi well at the monment have a red honey dwarf gourami and have had it sincebefore christmas and it is looking very healthy and i live in australia its a female
I read a thread of yours in the gourami forum last week - wasn't it sick and not swimming? Has it recovered then? Also, you say its a red female - is it very bright? Does it look like the one in my avatar picture? <--- If so, you have a male! In dwarf gouramis, only the males are colourful - females are more of a dull silvery colour.

Had all the same problems, and I'm in the UK. Had fish from various sources, so cant be blamed on bad supplier. All died within a couple of weeks of getting the ulcers. Wont ever buy any more either, just a waste of money for a pretty nondescript fish IMO. Much healthier and better looking fish out there ;)
Aww, you think they're nondescript? Females maybe... I think the males are beautiful with all their colour morphs. Which fish do you go for now then?

not had massive problems with them

had one pair years ago who lasted a good couple of years although if i remember correctly they did drop dead rather suddenly and i never worked out why

had another pair more recently who were fine for about a year then i closed down the tank and re-homed them, can't say what's happened to them afterwards :dunno:

i've seen absolutely loads of unhealthy and dying specimins in lfs's around here though so when i've got them i've been very careful which ones i get
Yes, they're EVERYWHERE in the LFS's here.... which when I started out I'd assumed they were a hardy fish if they were so commonly available...

Seems we're getting a mixed bunch of responses...keep them coming!
have two red honey dwarfs and they have been doing well for ages. lost a banded drawf a while ago but i think that was due to some water issues we were having. have another one now who seems ok but havent had him long so its hard to say just yet
How Strange! Yes the only losses I have had in the last 6 months are 2 dwarf gourami's one male and one female. Both were in the tank a couple of months the female had an ulcer near her gill, the male died quickly with no symptoms

im in the UK
I have not bought one due to the fact that all the ones I see in shops around here look unhealthy, often on the verge of collapse.
Aww, you think they're nondescript? Females maybe... I think the males are beautiful with all their colour morphs. Which fish do you go for now then?

They were my hubby's choice as he thinks they're lovely, at the time it was our only tank - now I have my own lol. Cant say we really picked another fish instead of them, as they weren't the main show fish - just part of the family so to speak, as it's a community tank. I think the angels came after them, but obviously we have big tanks so the size difference wasn't an issue ;)
I have not bought one due to the fact that all the ones I see in shops around here look unhealthy, often on the verge of collapse.

With a name like yours, no dwarfs?!?! :lol:

Mine LOOKED healthy when I got him...but like I said, developed ulcer then died. I just happened to notice a very common theme with them on the board lately - hence this topic.
i was thinking about buying a pair i guess i reconsider now.
seems like almost everyone who has them has problems?
I have not bought one due to the fact that all the ones I see in shops around here look unhealthy, often on the verge of collapse.

With a name like yours, no dwarfs?!?! :lol:

Well obviously with a name like mine, I intended to get dwarfs, but the more I looked round the shops....

I am possibly the only person in the universe that finds female dwarf gouramis beautiful, that subtle silver colouring with just faint hints of the reds and blues....

But I don't see myself buying fish that look as feeble as the dwarf gouramis around here.
everyone of my dwarf gouramis have died with ulsers, and i have been trying to keep them on and off for 10 years.

all ended up with the same fate :huh:

Sorry to hear about your fish too Sharon. At least now we all know we're not alone.

Anyway - just resurrecting this thread to say made a trip to the LFS today. My decision was easily made for me - the tank of dwarfs looked TERRIBLE. So pale you could barely see what colours they were supposed to be. So - I bought a pearl gourami. Only had him for one afternoon but I love him already! :wub: I had been hoping to get a trio (one male two females) but the LFS only had males and said they very rarely get females. Hmpf. :grr: Might have to look around for them, but in the meantime I'm happy with my new boy. Made up for it with a school of cardinals, more cories and a betta for my new 5 gallon. :)

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