has anybody used ...

I've never used it, but what kind of bacteria problem do you have? :dunno:

EDIT: OK, I just looked this up:


Is your tank cycled? What are your readings ( Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates)?

How long has your tank been running? How many fish do you have/ what size tank?

Basically, these type of products "claim" to have live bacteria, that in essential for your bio-logical filter. Other brands include Cycle, stress-zyme. I wouldn't buy them. If your not doing a fish less cycle, your best bet is to stuff some used filter media in your filter. Also, gravel, or a potted plant from an established tank will work.

I'm curious, does the bottle have an expiration date? :dunno:
I think its too start an aquarium isnt it?

Id personally prefer to start the right way, bugger chemicals, patience means alot.
Is this a new tank that you're working on cycling, or do you have fish in it?

If you're cycling and having a nitrIte spike, then you're moving through the cycling process. Next should be a nitrAte spike, and ammonia & nitrIte should fall to 0, at which point the tank is cycled, and you can do a water change to lower the nitrAte a bit.

If you have fish in there, do a water change. Have you been keeping up with regular water changes?

I'm not sure what you mean by bacteria "problem" -- you want beneficial bacteria, and in theory I guess that product is meant to help introduce it to your tank. I've heard some people say they don't work at all, or they help slightly, but don't make a huge difference. I've never tried any of those type products (Cycle, BioSpira, etc.) myself though.

(Edited for horrible spelling errors, haha)
new tank right? Use a filter that will allow you to add filter media that will give a place for bacteria to live and thrive, such as lava rock, ceramic cylinders, bio chem stars, ect. A good filter for this is an aquaclear by hagen. You leave this media in filter forever only to be rinsed with water removed from tank during water changes (never clean any other way). Another good filter is one with a bio wheel for this purpose. (Aquaclear better filter, will last lifetime, more freedom with media options)

I have had no luck with these additives to pruduce a bio filter. The best way is to buy a few tuff fish, and allow tank to cycle for 6-8 weeks. The only way to cycle a tank from the start is to use filter material from an already cycled tank.

Keep up water changes through this tuff time, and monitor water for ammonia and nitrite. With patience your bio filter will be up and running.

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