Has Any1 Heard Of This Plant ?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 21, 2005
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The plant in question is a dieffenbachia bausei, described as an easy non demanding plant....Is it an aquatic plant or not?
I just emailed the seller and said.
"I thought this plant was a houseplant. At least according to the scientific name?"

It'll be interesting to see if they respond....
I just emailed the seller and said.
"I thought this plant was a houseplant. At least according to the scientific name?"

It'll be interesting to see if they respond....

never thought about doing that....maybe its best to avoid this seller
Yea...i would avoid it, but I'm feeling confrontational so I stated it in a nicer way suggesting maybe they got the scientific name wrong, and if they give a b.s. response :)

It also goes to show that it's good to ask someone or do your own research before buying something you know nothing about...good call Julioarca :good:
Wow! Only one of the most indestructable houseplants ever created! I have several in/out of my house and in my office at the University, they prefer a Northern exposure. Definitely not an aquatic, though, you can take cuttings, put them in a container full of water, and you will get established roots in a matter of weeks. It propogates well by cuttings, as do other non-aquatics, as long as leaves are not fully submerged.

It's amazing what they'll try and sell as an aquatic plant. :no:
The sap from these plants is poisonous too. It can cause itching, stinging and rashes if you get it on you. Also can make animals very sick if they try to eat it. Wash well after you handle it. :good:

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