Harry's Back! 70L Reef Tank


Fish Herder
Oct 19, 2009
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Ok after shutting down my jewel Rio 125L a few years back I have been out from the salty world for a while. But now I'm back with a slightly smaller tank. It's around 70L and I'm waiting to get paid on Friday so I can grab the lights and skimmer.

The lights I'm getting are the TMC ilumenair 600 LED unit and the skimmer will be a Tunze 9004.
Hoping to have my RO water in the tank Thursday/Friday so I can add live rock and sand in on Saturday!
The tank is sitting on a jewel rekord stand and I have sprayed the back of the tank black. Got my heater and one of the powerheads from my old tank in. Need to get another powerhead as the other one I had is a bit dodgy.





image.jpg leak test done and passed. Heater and powerhead is ok
Welcome back to the salty side!!!
What you hoping to keep? Fish & Coral wise?
Hoping to keep mostly LPS and SPS corals, such as torch coral and bubble coral, acans, montipora, etc. Not really sure about fish yet maybe a shrimp and goby pair.
Harry1996 said:
Hoping to keep mostly LPS and SPS corals, such as torch coral and bubble coral, acans, montipora, etc. Not really sure about fish yet maybe a shrimp and goby pair.
Sounds like a good plan :) Absolutely love torch corals! I did have 3 in my tank but lost one due to brown jelly.
70L limits you a fair bit to what you can keep really bet it wont be long till youll be wanting to upgrade tehe  
Yeah I know 70L is small, I do want a 4 footer one day aha.
Got salty water heating up now and should have my lights and rock + sand on saturday!
Harry1996 said:
Yeah I know 70L is small, I do want a 4 footer one day aha.
Got salty water heating up now and should have my lights and rock + sand on saturday!
Bet it feels like christmas :p haha
4 foot is a nice size its what ive got at the moment
Haha yeah it does!

Well today I got my lights and live rock/sand! First off light unit is fantastic although not impressed with the build quality of the mounts that came with it. Can't wait to add corals and test it out properly.image.jpg






Sorry for the bad quality I'm uploading from my iPad so need to find away to do it with better quality upload. Also my lights are more white than the photos show but my camera can't pick the colours up aha
Harry1996 said:
 First off light unit is fantastic although not impressed with the build quality of the mounts that came with it. Can't wait to add corals and test it out properly.

Sorry for the bad quality I'm uploading from my iPad so need to find away to do it with better quality upload. Also my lights are more white than the photos show but my camera can't pick the colours up aha
I had the same opinion on the lights when i was choosing leds. The unit just didnt impress me build wise all together. I chose the evergrow it range in the end and had great results with them but going to get razors soon as a friends just changed his to them and the change is amazing!
Leds arent any good for photography unless using a dslr haha they take alot of practice take me dozens of attempts to get a decent shot of my tank.
Is that the final scape your going for? Really like the looks of it!
Leds arent any good for photography unless using a dslr haha they take alot of practice take me dozens of attempts to get a decent shot of my tank.
Is that the final scape your going for? Really like the looks of it!

Well that give me an even better excuse to buy canon 700D

The rock scape took about 2 mins to do aha! Im really liking the rock shape however I may buy more later on for more hight. Theres around 8kg in there so its enough for filtration.
Harry1996 said:
The rock scape took about 2 mins to do aha! Im really liking the rock shape however I may buy more later on for more hight. Theres around 8kg in there so its enough for filtration.
No way! I really like that scape haha Ive spent hours on my scapes and still hate them!!
haha well maybe I got some nice shaped rocks which are easy to scape then, as my last tank I was constantly changing the scape aha.
The TMC are decent lights Harry had mine for 18 months ish noow and get great growth on my LPS from them. You should be able to get decent sized torch frogspawn etc frags for your tank and if they grow too big then a good excuse for an upgrade!! :)
Long over due update, got a few frags, mixture of lps and sps and some zoas! And 2 clown fish. And plenty of clean up crew!

Pics will be up laters :p
Harry1996 said:
Long over due update, got a few frags, mixture of lps and sps and some zoas! And 2 clown fish. And plenty of clean up crew!

Pics will be up laters
Patiently waiting for pictures!!! :D
Hi all, I have loads of photos but at the moment I only have my iPhone 6 plus and an iPad mini so copy and pasting photo bucket links is a pain in the ass! Will have a new laptop in a few months. Also a Sony alpha dslr camera which has been given to me for free off my uncle! So should have better pics up soon. :p


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