Harry Potter 7

Yeah I don't seem her writing any more of the books, but there are the 6th and 7th movies left.
Wow, lots of haters here. Are there any fans? I'm a huge fan. :good: Harry Potter is my favorite book series. I went to the midnight party, dressed up, and read the book all day yesterday and finished it. I thought it was great, but left many unanswered questions. I hope she writes another to answer them.
I'm sad its over, but I thought the last book was amazing. Rowling could have drawn out the final battle a little more but the explanation was superb. I wish she could write more, but with voldemort dead any other villain would have that cheesy sequelish feel. Voldemort has been evil for so long which makes him a great villain, but any new villian would not have that mystique about them.
I wouldn't say I'm a fan, I like the books, but I'm not crazed over them. I thought the 7th was pretty good. I finished it yesterday night, and I didn't see the point in killing some of the characters, but whatever. The ending wasn't the best, it just kinda ended without reason, and then the epilogue was just kinda out there. But anyway, it was a pretty decent book.
Finshed it around midnight saturday thought the book was generally pretty good, had no real problems up until that last chapter, perhaps it was just because it had got so late, but the last chapter seemed as if it had been written a week before printing as a afterthought or something, Im pretty certain many stories have done a better job of surmising the last chapter in 6 words.
someone PM with with who dies! Why was the ending crap? I'm not a fan but im just interested :p
************spoiler alert************
do not click the following link if you do not want to know who dies in the last book

some nice person has put up the ins and outs of what happens in HP7 on wiki
if you want to know who dies click me
I thought it had some really good parts, but i think the travveling went on for too long, and the battle scenes should have been less rushed and longer, and then the very last bit was just.... crap. I iwhs she didnt write that bit.
last couple of chapters she seemed to get impatient and almost lazy and the epilogue was a disgrace
I hated it.

That's the long and short of it. I used to love her books to bit and I still love the previous books but while I simply wasn't keen on the 6th book I seriously hate this one.
The characters that got killed, all of them, were pointless deaths that could very easily have been left out. If all you're gonna do is write 2 lines on the person dying or simply mention 'oh, they're dead' you really didn't have to kill them.

Last time I checked wikipedia it was an incomplete list and I was very annoyed that a (to me very important) person got left out. If you want to know the full list of deaths I recommend you google unless wiki has been updated.

No, the writing was poorly, the middle bit of the book dragged and the ending was the poorest she's ever written. To be very honest, I'm glad she's done writing now because she's ruined it for me. Her books have gotten darker and darker the more she wrote and this one is utter proof that she's just out to kill and hurt people now. Knowing some of the characters that died I don't think I'll even be able to see the movies anymore that are still to come. And I can tell you that I'm definatly not gonna go and watch the last movie if they ever bother bringing it out.
The epilouge was the worst part. Don't read it, if you haven't gotten there yet but happen to see this post. It ruins it.

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