Harlequin Raspboras or Zebra Danios


Fish Crazy
Jun 11, 2004
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I am currently do the fishless cycle thing on my 12 gallon tank.

I have been trying to work out the best fish to keep in it when its done. Originally i was going with 3 zebra danios and 6 neon tetras. But after doing more research i decided neons werent really for me. They seem to die too easily.

So ive changed my mind and i am going with eithera a school of 6 zebra danios or a school of 6 harlequin raspboras.

Which one would be the best to look at, most active and enjoyable?

I know zebra danios are very active fish, but they dont seem that pleasing to the eye. Whereas Rasboras are more pleasing to the eye, but are they as active?

Paul. :unsure:
Why not do both? You could build up two schools, say 4 and 6 or so, and then you would have an active tank with tight schoolers. Also danios tend to be upper-level swimmers and harlequins are more middle so you would have a nice tank to watch. :D
But if i had a school of 4 zebra danios and a school of 6 raspboras, would that not overstock my 12 gallon tank.
Rasbora heteromorpha is not as active as the Zebras, but then, very little is. I think 6 Zebras rather then 4 to keep their atention on each other. Then 4 Rasboras. That is not going to drastically overstock your tank.
why not go for 5 zebra danios and 5 leopard danios
they look great together :rolleyes:
danios are great fish, and really nice looking as well, as theyre arent that expensive either.
My only concern will getting all danios in my tank is that, wont they all swim near the top of the water.

If i went with Harlequin Rasboras then these fish would hopefully oocupy the mid level of the tank. Leaving the danios to the top and where ever else they decide to go.

Ive never kept fish and this is my first aquarium so i may be totally wrong or being stupid. :unsure:

I am definately getting danios, whether its zebra or leopard i'll decide when i get to the fish shop.

But i wasnt sure if i should get Harlequin Rasboras as well. Does anyone keep or have kept these fish, that could explain what they are like.
Do they school?, are they nice to look at? and most importantly are they active?

Ive searched the net and read through my book, but nothing compares to hands on experience.

I had rasboras and really liked them. They are a nice red color, even if that red doesn't show up well in the fish store. Mine did school around together in the tank and darted from side to side, but not quite as maniacally as my zebra danios :p

6 danios and 4 rasboras shouldn't overstock your tank if you just pay attention to water changes :)
Cheers for the replies.

I think i've finally made up my mind. 6 danios and 4 Harlequin Rasboras.
Sorry to be a pain in the butt...

but just seen two websites that state harlequin rasboras and zebra danios should not be mixed in the same tank.

Is this true?

Given that in my tank, i was going to only have danios and rasboras this is a bit of a let down -_-

Now im back to square one. Whether to have....

1) species tank of harlequin rasboras or
2) species tank of zebra danios

help me decide :flex:
I like zebra danios more than rasboras, but you think rasboras look better. I would rather have a tank with nice looking less active fish rather than one with fish I didn't like the look of in the first place. Also rasboras school very nicley.
paulioo said:
Sorry to be a pain in the butt...

but just seen two websites that state harlequin rasboras and zebra danios should not be mixed in the same tank.

Is this true?

Given that in my tank, i was going to only have danios and rasboras this is a bit of a let down -_-

Now im back to square one. Whether to have....

1) species tank of harlequin rasboras or
2) species tank of zebra danios

help me decide :flex:
Did they give a reason for this? I've heard that danios can be nippy towards fish who are slower than them (ie all fish!) but that they usually don't bother if they are with enough of their own kind.

Another possibility could be to have a school of six of one of these species, and 3-4 cory cats. these are bottom feeders and are lovely community fish, so you would have a mid-top level school, and some bottom-dwellers. interested?
I've changed my mind after a visit to my local fish store.

Now going for 6 Harlequin rasboras and 3-4 cherry barbs.

Hopefully the rasboras will school around mid level and my cherry barbs will swim about the bottom.
I cant wait to see both the cherry barbs and rasboras doing their mating thing.
Cherry Barbs are not a shoaling fish, they are best kept as a pair or trio 1 male 2 females. Males together in a small tank may well fight.
Yeah i read that one various internet sites that cherry barbs dont shoal.
I would like them in my aqaurium because of their colour and because they seem to get along with almost any fish. Their mating habbits would also be good to see i think.

Im definately set on getting 6 harlequin rasboras, they look really nice and seem to school quite nicely. I know schooling is a defensive strategy used by fish to stay safe, but would my rasboras still school togother even though theres only going to be cherry barbs in beside them?

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