Harlequin rasboras


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
I have 4 Harlequin Rasboras, 2 Pristella Tetras (did have 4 but 2 died, heh obviously huh..bright jennie), and 1 Neon tetra (the others slowly died off after I stressed em out during a water change incident). I have had them all for about 6 months or so..give or take.

The Harlequins swim happily around the tank, they eat fine, socialize fine (they love the pristellas and they love them back too), they just are in general happy healthy (appearing) fish. They don't eat anymore then the other fish do...so that's why I figured it was eggs.


Recently a couple members have pointed out that they look extremely engorged in the gut. Which they do, but I just thought they had eggs. There are 4 in all and only 3 out of the 4 look this way....I was assuming 3 were female and 1 was male. :dunno:

Here is what they look like right now...


Here is the thinner one...


And here is what they looked like when I first got them...


Any comments, suggestions...... :unsure:
hmm...no one then?

So I'm guessing by the lack of response that they are just suposed to look this way.

Fast them all a day or two and see if that makes a difference. If these were simply gravid females I would have expected them to spawn by now. What color is their poo? You say they are eating normaly? It could be parasites or constipation but I wouldn't worry if they are eating fine and are active.
Plus what do you feed the fish.
I have had the same problem with Harlequin's looking bloated. I tryed reducing food but to no avail then I realized that what I had were all females (males died of old age as I had them way before the females). I had a theory that they may be egg bound so went out and purchased a few boys and some plants...problem solved :D
Well I have fasted them before..for 3 days, gave them peas, cukes, daphnia. Nothing makes them look any different.

Only 3 of the 4 look this way..the other 4th one is all slim and trim...I'm assuming that one is a male. :dunno:

They eat Tetra flakes alot..but I do give them FBW occassionally, and I see them poking around the algae wafers from time to time as well.

They are in a well planted (although not real plants) tank. If I put anymore in there..they won' tbe able to swim lol.

They're very active...probably the most active in the tank. Hard to see poop..the tank has gravel. But I can tell you that they don't have "trailers". None of my fish do.
I would try and get a more varied diet going of frozen foods and veg, good luck.
They look good, SRC. It looks to me like you've got 3 females and one male, but that's just going on your pictures. Mine aren't as fat and sassy as yours, but mine are younger. I have one Big Haas in the group, but he's male. :p I have 9 and they like the occassional live bug. Gnats and ants are like drugs for them. They also love spirulina flakes and the shelled peas that my bettas get once a week. They will eat whatever I feed my bettas, so it makes dinner time much easier.
Ants you say :lol:...I got lots of ants.

Oh you shoudln't have told me that :rofl: these damn ants are soooooo toast! :kana:

That's good to know. Thanks guys. I didn't really think anything was, but then you knwo how it goes..a couple remarks are made and you start worrying lol.

Hmm, interesting. I have "large" females. But not that big.

Id go with sylvias sugestion and fast them for a day or two. If not, it may be their breeding cycle. Mine seem to fatten, then slim down after a few months.

That should not stopping you treating them if anything comes up though.

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