Good grief! I found another fish that is acting strangely.
I just fed them, and everyone was acting normal chasing around the flakes, but then I noticed one who went to the surface. He didn't get food, he just floated right at the surface, his body slightly tilting backwards.
Due to this strange occurrence I sat and watched him for a while. I noticed that his mouth seems permanently open, and when he rests, he tends to float backwards with his face raising and rear falling. The more I pay attention, the more I realize his swimming patterns have a hint of the other who died earlier, though not nearly as progressed.
I really don't know what to do at this point. It's not the water quality, but I don't know why this is happening.
I am actually watching the fish now and he is currently floating head at the surface, lower body hanging down at about a 30 degree angle.
Please help.
PS. I have been perusing the net and looking at pictures of healthy harlequin rasboras. It appears that the gills on my fish are unusually red. Thoughts?
PSS. I just say and stared for a while, and I have noticed a couple of the fish also have a red spot behind the gills. Is this common?