A couple things here. First, the GH is the more important and assuming the GH is 75 ppm (as opposed to 75 dGH which is not even feasible), you have soft water so the rasboras will be fine. The pH while important is not the over-riding parameter, and provided it does not fluctuate wildly should not be a problem with this species.
Second point I'd like to make is that the parameters of the store water are irrelevant as far as fish "adapting." It takes weeks if not months for a fish to adapt to different parameters (some species cannot no matter how long), and it is not going to occur during the relatively short time a fish is in the store tank. Know the store water parameters so you don't shock the fish (this is more TDS shock than pH, another misconception, and ammonia/nitrate), but beyond this the store water can be ignored.