New Member
So I have 5 of them in a 20 gallon and there ”chasing” is getting worse/more intense. it’s lightly planted cause the plants are new and there’s a few caves and a huge piece of spider wood. I have 1 honey gourami,5 harlequin rasbora,3 ottos,1 bn pleco,1 mystery snail and a bamboo shrimp. They all seem fine with each other but should I remove the rasboras? I like them but i don’t want them to potentially hurt one of my other fish either on purpose or on accident chasing each other. they even did that circle motion a few times where 2 fish chase each other in a tight circle.
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10ish
ph 6.8-7
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10ish
ph 6.8-7