I have a 29 gallon aquarium with black substrate and background. My stocking scheme is (3) Platy, (6) Cherry Shrimp + (9-11) schooling fish.
Quick Survey: Given tank size and decor (black), should I go with Harlequin Rasbora or Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish? I want something hardy that will actually school even in a 29 gallon tank. And I want something that will stand out against the black background. Given the stock available from my LFS (no Lambchop or Henglei Rasboras available), my choices seem limited to the Harlequin Rasbora or Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish. Opinions???
Quick Survey: Given tank size and decor (black), should I go with Harlequin Rasbora or Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish? I want something hardy that will actually school even in a 29 gallon tank. And I want something that will stand out against the black background. Given the stock available from my LFS (no Lambchop or Henglei Rasboras available), my choices seem limited to the Harlequin Rasbora or Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish. Opinions???