Harlequin Rasbora Or Dwarf Neon Rainbow


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2006
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I have a 29 gallon aquarium with black substrate and background. My stocking scheme is (3) Platy, (6) Cherry Shrimp + (9-11) schooling fish.

Quick Survey: Given tank size and decor (black), should I go with Harlequin Rasbora or Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish? I want something hardy that will actually school even in a 29 gallon tank. And I want something that will stand out against the black background. Given the stock available from my LFS (no Lambchop or Henglei Rasboras available), my choices seem limited to the Harlequin Rasbora or Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish. Opinions???
You could get both, 6 of each. They are both lovely fish and I think they look nice in any tank. :)
You could get both, 6 of each. They are both lovely fish and I think they look nice in any tank. :)

I was thinking about two schools. But, many people have told me that the bigger the school, the more they will school. With 6 each, I've read it is less likely they will actually demonstrate schooling behavior.
Don't care much for my daughters neons abit run of the mill :look: I love my 8 Harlequins compared to those :hey: much more interesting
Don't care much for my daughters neons abit run of the mill :look: I love my 8 Harlequins compared to those :hey: much more interesting

Are your daughter's rainbow fish, or are they neon tetras. I think neon tetras are a bit boring, but I do like the look of the dwarf neon rainbows.
I have a shoal of 6 Harlequin Rasboras and they look amazing when sholing together against a black background.
I have dwarf neon rainbows and harlequin rasboras (not in the same tank) and I love them both. For a 29 gal tank I would recommend the rasboras. The rainbows are very beautiful when they reach full size, but they will grow much bigger that the rasboras will. Larger schools are better. You have room for at least 10 rasboras and they'll be very active as they are comfortable in a larger group.
Don't care much for my daughters neons abit run of the mill :look: I love my 8 Harlequins compared to those :hey: much more interesting

Are your daughter's rainbow fish, or are they neon tetras. I think neon tetras are a bit boring, but I do like the look of the dwarf neon rainbows.
My daughter does have neon tetras but she had my dwarf neon rainbows :)
Undoubtedly the harlequin rasboras.

Neon rainbows are lovely but I agree that they are better in larger groups and in bigger tanks. They also don't realy fit your criteria - they don't school that well and can be shy (at least at first) and skittish. IME, harlequins are the very best schooling fish if you are after something that schools tightly and is active but calm temperament-wise. They also are quite brightly colored and there are now a few different color morphs to choose from. I also find that the rainbowfish (and I mean this species in particular - not rainbows in general) are more likely to nip tankmates which isn't realy that big a problem with what you are planning but other future tankmates might suffer. I doubt harlequins, in contrast, have ever nipped another fish :p
How big do the neon rainbows get? I red 2 inches.
Rainbows are very shy, skittish, and "darty", at least in small groups. I doubt they are the most bold in the tank in any number after what I've seen, though.

I recommend at least 8 neons and at least 8 rasboras. :good:

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