Hardy Tropical Fish?


Jan 18, 2007
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Hello everyone,

After managing to kill my 7 new guppies, from 7 different causes :crazy: , I have started again!! Please can you give me some advice on good small tropical hardy fish. I have a Baby Biorb, so I know that my choices are limited. How long should I live it before adding fish?

Danios are tough, and so are platys. However before rushing out with wallet in hand, tell us more about what you're trying to do.

What were the various causes of death of your previous fish? Is the tank cycled, or are you trying to cycle with fish?

More info....?

is your bioorb cycled? if not, look at the pinned thread on fishless cycling first, and invest in some test kits.

you have to remember a bioorb is simply a glorified fish bowl, and as it's narrow at the top and the bottom, it can hold only half of what a rectangular tank of the same size could hold.

the baby bioorb is only 15 litres, or 3 US gallons, which is WEENY! really the only fish that could even remotely thrive in a baby bioorb is a Betta. all other fish are too active for such a confined space.
Hi thanks for replying.

I believe the fish dying were to do with ammonia! PH and Nitrates/Nitrites were fine.

The tank is cycling now, I have all sorts of tests. How long should I cycle it for?
OK, then if you have no fish at the moment why not read the fishless cycling article (the first topic in the beginners forum)? That is what you are actually doing right now. All your questions will be answered in there.

And take on board the comments regarding the size of your biorb..... most fish will struggle in such a small tank.


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