Hardy Tetra

go with danio, there are so many different types. I have a zebra, leopard, glowlight, pearl and another one i cant spell. And they look great tumbling around together. Rosbora s are good too. I've heard cardinal and glowlight are hardy. But i'd wait for tetra.
Depends a lot upon the length of the tank you had i mind, as even though danios are small fish, their hyper-activity deserves a 4-foot tank.The hardness and pH of the water you plan to use in the tank may also have a bearing, as many common South American tetras do not do so well in hard alkaline water, while some African ones would be quite content in such conditions.
Thanks everyone. I have a planted 5 gallon. The plants are 2 java ferns, 2 anubias nana, and another anubias that I cant remember what it is. The 5 gallon is a marineland crescent 5 with a internal tetra whisper micro filter.
Hey everyone! What would you all reccomend for a begginer tetra? If not a tetra how hardy are danios? Thanks everyone.
+2 for Danios. The common species are very hardy. The poor Zebra Danios is perhaps too hardy, no wonder scientists mess around with them... :crazy:

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