Hardy Cories

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The problem with Corydoras (and Brochis, I suppose) is that they have ZERO ability to learn territories. I doubt your betta was persecuting them because it didn't like catfish on principle. Much more probable that your betta had established a territory, and the stupid catfish kept blundering into it. Most other fish (even other bottom dwellers, like loaches and Synodontis) seem to have some ability to understand the "territories" in the area they inhabit.

But Corydoras (perhaps because they live in vast schools in rivers) just amble along... and then get the life beaten out of them by some territorial dwarf cichlid or pufferfish!

Seen it too often to think otherwise. Corydoras may be adorable and friendly, but they are DUMB AS POSTS.

Cheers, Neale

I have had one small 1.5" Betta terrorize a shoal of Brochis splenden (3.1") so that I never saw them. Moved the Betta and after a few months they reappeared and are a happy bunch of fish. I believe I remember Neale specifically referring to his desire to keep happy fish. :wub:
I think shockshockshad's question has been answered and this thread is now straying far off the topic. Thanks for all your participation. :)
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