Hardy Cories

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Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2007
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I am going to get 6 cories for my tank. I was going to get the bronze type, but I can't find them anywhere (I asked the same thing in the gourami section) I guess some types of hardy fish are rare. What is the next hardiest species of corydoras catfish?
I think that C. paleatus may be hardier than bronze. They are also frequent spawners, but the eggs are easier to drop when harvesting.

Other popular models:

C. sterbai, C. leucomelas--seldom called by the correct name, C. schwartzei, C haraldschwartzi. Well the list goes on. Corys for the most part, assuming good breeding and care while fry, are a hardy bunch. The choices are usually area specific. Tell us what is available, and we will give you the run down.

A very popular Cory is C. panda, but the lfs pandas are often poorly bred and are very sensitive. They are not always a good choice for the first Cory.
I think I will go with the C. paleatus (Its the peppered cory, right) I don't really want fry, but if they do breed, I'm going to care for them of course. How many (on average) fry will each spawn contain? Once the fish spawn, do I collect the eggs, and put them in my 10 gallon fry tank? In the 10, I have an air-powered spong filter, and I am going to get a heater once I get the fish. My gourami question (you saw that I had a gourami quetion in my first post) was answered. Someone said that 1 paradise fish is a hardy colorful fish. I was going to get the fish in this order:

1st: Peppered cories

2nd: Harlequin rasboras

3rd: Paradise fish

Is this a good order?
I don't know anything about paradise fish.

Peppers prefer the lower 70's in temp/mid 29's in Centagrade. They like groups. I always start with at least 6 Corys of the same species if I can.

There is a pinned topic on breeding and raising fry. It is just one method, but will give the foudation. I keep my harlequins in the mid low 70's so I suppose that works.

If the tank is cycled then it is fine to start with Corys.

If paradise fish are guaramis, then go with a small loach or Plec rather than Corys. I would check on the saftey of the harlequins too. Both harlequins and Corys are a very gentle non aggressive and defensless fish. All but the smallest guaramis (honeys and sparkling) are at times aggressive or semi aggressive. That terrorizes Corys. Peppers may do okay in a large aquarium with lots of caves and cover. But even my LPS has steered me clear of guaramis in my community tank.
Hi shockshockshad :)

I agree with jollysue about the paradise fish. They are related to gouramis, and similar in shape, but are even more aggressive than regular gouramis. They have no place in a peaceful community tank.

Unless you have a particular reason to get them, I would suggest getting one or two FEMALE gouramis for your tank instead. Without a male to harass them, female gouramis are often quite sedate fish who seem to enjoy each other's company. Female pearl gouramis, and even the blue 3 spots are much better alternatives than the paradise fish, which is sometimes called a semi-aggressive fish.

When someone asks for "hardy" corys, I usually wonder what they mean. If kept in clean tanks with water of the appropriate temperature, and nourishing food, almost all corys that can be purchased in an lfs could be considered "hardy."

No corys are so hardy that they can survive with aggressive tankmates, in very warm or cold water, eating only crumbs that the other fish miss. Please consider the specific needs of corys as a group and then only get them if your tank is completely suitable to their well being.
Okay, then I will not get the paradise fish. I really want the cories. And the harlequins too! I would like though a pair or a single fish that is kind of broader, like not a skinny schooling fish, you know, like how gouramis and tiger barbs are, or some cichlids (but I don't want any of those). I don't know the difference between males and females, so what peaceful fish should I get like I described above?
Hi shockshockshad :)

I think what you have in mind is what some people refer to as a "centerpiece" fish. One that will immediately attract your attention when you look at the tank. Female gouramis fill that role nicely and are not difficult to tell apart from the males. Lately, however, some lfs are not stocking females because on the man made colors,(usually the small gouramis) the male is brilliant and the female more like plain silver. If you choose gouramis, the larger, standard species will most likely have females in the mix because they look very much like males.

Here's a thread that might help you:

I have read that rams are "very, very delicate and should only be approached by the experienced aquarist" -got that from age of aquariums. I thought they were difficult anyway.
What about 3 female and 1 male swordtail, 6 peppered cories, and 8 harlequin rasboras?
Yes Rams are a Cichlid, so I am suspicious of their possible behavior when they mature and start breeding behaviors.

I am thinking that sword tails would be a possible choice. I am in discussion with a supplier now about a Cory that is in and he has some very fancy sword and lyre tails in. Bryan of CorysRUs was just telling me that they are a community fish and would dwell peacefully with others.

But I have never had live bearers before, so I am not an expert at all.
Okay, I just did some research, and you are right, they are peaceful community fish. Thnaks for all of the help!
Wait a minute.... livebearers appreciate (maybe need. I am not sure) salt, and cories can not tolerate it. What do I do? :unsure: I have salt though for medicating. When medicating (not with cories) do I use the medication and the salt, or just salt? Of course with cories, just meds. Ooops! a little off topic! :lol: :blush:
In actuality, Corys can tolerate a little salt now and again. Not a brackish tank, of course. I don't know a bit about live bearers as I said, but I don't think they are brackish, so they would not require a constant addition of salt I wouldn't think. On the other hand the salt addition to tanks for the presumed healthful benefits to non brackish fish is another hot button among hobbyists. There are some conditions when salt is recommended by most hobbyist, I believe. Often but not always in these cases, the recommendation is for a salt bath or dip as opposed to the addition to the tank. You will see that I am stepping carefully trying to avoid any mine fields. :hyper: :lol:
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