Yeah you read that right. The test results in the lake range from somewhere around 15 to 22 dGH--depending on location. Some fish-keepers replicate the GH of Lake Malawi and some do not. It isn't life-critical to Lake Malawi cichlids the way KH and pH is. I personally keep my water's GH at 17 dGH (304 ppm). There are a broad range of opinions about GH and how important it is to African cichlids that have been raised in an aquarium and have never experienced the waters of Lake Malawi. I subscribe to the theory that the fish evolved in the conditions of Lake Malawi, so therefore recreating those conditions as much as possible offers the fish an optimal living environment. Others will say they never bothered with the GH, and the fish are just fine. It's an open to debate. Just my 2 cents.