hardiness of albino cory's


Fish Crazy
Aug 7, 2004
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I have always had the regular bronze cory's but would like to get more of the albino cory's. I currently have one bronze, pepper cory died and I have one small albino. I want to add two more albino cory's so I have a school of 4 cory's. Even though one is a bronze I will still keep that one.

I found the bronze to be very long lived, my original ones lived for 8 years in my 25 gal. Two years ago they died..... :( I did not replace them right away as I turned to trying some cichlids and new they would not survive that whole ordeal.

Now my tank is a much calmer tank with my large angel and my discus with a few small schooling fish. The currenty albino and bronze cory are doing great but I would like to add two more albinos. Just wanting to know how their longevity is compared to the bronze?
I'm not sure there is a large difference if properly cared for. I've heard albinos live shorter lives but I doubt the difference is great in an aquarium environment. My guess is 10 years or so (where Brone might live 15 or more).
albinos are just a color variation of the bronze cory. I've found that my albino is pretty hardy, and usually either color is a hardy fish because they've been in the hobby for many years. different suppliers, different shops, and even weak or diseased individuals can make a difference in how long any fish lives or how well they adapt to your tank. your tank parameters and your method of acclimitization can also play a key role. I once had a regular bronze cory die within 2 weeks of buying it, while my albino has been healthy for nearly a year - the albino was from a small local shop, while the bronze was from a huge chain store 30 mins away.
Hi bugsy66

Being as the bronze and albino are the same species, I don't really think there should be any difference in their longevity.

They are a little smaller than the bronze, but they seem to be every bit as sturdy and vigorous. I find that they are no more prone to illness or other problems either.

Since you have kept your bronzes alive for so long, you are obviously a good keeper, so I think the chances of the albinos having a long and healthy live in your tank are excellent. :thumbs:
yea bronze and albino are the same species just one is an albino. i kep one of each and they are both very hardy, i think iv had them for a lil over half a year now, no problems. i do have problems with the peppered corys thogh -_-

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