hardiest fishy

what is the hardiest fish????

  • Platy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Guppy

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  • Tetra

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  • Molly

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  • Barbs

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  • Danios

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  • Gourami's

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  • Other

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Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2003
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hiya guys

just set my new tank up and read in the manual that i can add a few 'hardy' fish to help cycle my tank faster....any suggestions?

Tek :fish:
I know nothing about cycling the tank b4 getting my 16 fishies, including platys, swordtails, neon tetras, harlequins, n clown loaches. Only 2 died (1 bcoz of me squishing it when netting, another bcoz my hubby pumping it out through a long tube) n others survive thru the tank cycling. All my fishies r really hardy I think!
If you plan to keep the fish you cycle with once the tank has finished cycling then any of the above will do,danios are my personal choice as they really are as hard as nails but the fish that i would really go for if i had to do a cycle would be goldfish (the little ones that some stores sell as feeders).Use 1 goldfish to 10g of water and when you finish with them give to someone who has a pond.
yeah goldfish release more ammonia than the ones listed i believe. When the tank is cycled, drop in a medium sized oscar and let him have a feast :)

Sorry i like that kinda stuff. :crazy:
impur and cfc are soo right i allways use goldfish because i have a pond that i just leave them in after im done. now people are gonna hate me for saying this so if you like neons look away or to the next post now but i use neaons if im going to keep them cause they are ideal feeder fish for my larger cichlids so long as they get mad. but they apparently can carry diseases that are pretty bad diseases for the other fish somehting called neon tetra disease tho i havent read anything about it nor have i gone looking for info on it as ive never had it. i think i will have a little look see now.
Jamnog i know what you mean, i used feeder danios to aid in my cycle. They are all still alive cuz my GT and JD aren't big enough to eat em yet, but its only a matter of time :p
just a word on the side of caution. feeder fish are often kept in horrible conditions with little or no filtration and can carry diseases that will be introduced into your water system. with healthy fish this is usually not a problem as they have strong immune systems to fight off any illness, but new fish added (as would be the case here) will be stressed from the move and more susceptable to disease. I have seen to often with friends of mine that have oscars, depsys and other carnivorous fush that they will be healthy for years and with one feeding will end up fungus or ICH or any number of bacterial infections.

I am not saying to not use feeders, just be cautios when choosing them. I prefer danios, platys, or mollies myself as they are very hearty fish.

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