Sad news- have lost 3 of my guppys
Happy news- Pets at home have gave me £50 to spend instore in responce to my complaints email
Even happier news- I have two FRY!
I was going to let nature take its course and see what happened leaving them in with the adults but after losing the guppies I have bought a breeder net and placed them in that.
What do I feed them? how long until they will be safe with the adults
Guppy fry? Just crush some dried daphnia and they will eat it. But the trap will stunt their growth though. I used to keep my fry in a 10L bowl but I don't know what is recommended for fry. I think in small numbers they could do with 10L tanks or so but not sure.
Just on a rant about pets at home.. I went to my local Pets at home a couple of weeks ago...... Their Orandas were either dying or dead as were their black moors...... It wasn't a one off incident either....Another visit looking at their Red tail shark tank had two dead and were being eaten by the other fish in the tank......
Mentioned to one staff member about the state of the moors and orandas... Told me they had been short staffed that day and didn't have time to do any checks .... Tanks looked filthy ........
Won't be going back their again
In a way, I'm happy I bought my swordtails from the pet shop I've been to first time. It's called Coralis.
I could have bought fish from the people who sell them in the market - never had any problem with those and even my catfish is from a batch from the market people, but now there are new sellers there who mistreat them.
Coralis may have had tanks overstocked but the water was clean and fish were placed accordingly.
Now, the market people did the following:
All tanks = 1.5L of water. Think 10x10x15cm or so (Lxlxh). Each tiny tank was placed next to another, it was basically a big tank with lots of separators.
Cory tank was FULL, the poor things were trying to get out.
Betta tank: FULL! The woman was saying they're not fighting each other but those sure seemed like betta splendens so definitely not imbellis. Mine were pretty much the same and never fought, but cramming them in 1.5L of water in such a small space... pfff...
Even the poor baby Hoplos were hoarded together in such a small tank.
Same woman asked for a #105###load of money when I asked if she can build a tank. The guy next to her built/sold me my current tank for way cheaper.
And there was this other shop that was placed in a supermarket.
They kept bettas in a plastic cup. VERY small plastic cup. They looked nice but... really that's small even for a betta. I saw this pinkish-white one, it looked so awesome... And one male was in a bigger tank with a bunch of gouramis (not sure what kind).
They tried to convince me to buy a ready-made tank from them, saying that I won't be able to get a lid if I'd order custom dimensions, as all lids are made by standard dimensions. I call bull#105###.