Happy Solstice everyone!

Shortest day of the year only meant more chores to do after dark… will be happy to see noticeably longer days though
I HATE Standard Daylight time, especially the shorter daylight lengths...glad to get the "shortest" day of the year out of the way
I HATE Standard Daylight time, especially the shorter daylight lengths...glad to get the "shortest" day of the year out of the way
I agree. During this time I wear glasses that contain a light that helps to boost mood. it really works.
I agree. During this time I wear glasses that contain a light that helps to boost mood. it really works.
Really!..."glasses", as in eyeglasses?

Or do you hang glass lanterns on your head?

Asking for a friend...*

Really!..."glasses", as in eyeglasses?

Or do you hang glass lanterns on your head?

Asking for a friend...*

the product is by Luminette. The wave length is perfect for mood elevation.
The product is by Luminette. The wave length was selected to enhance mood during short daylight periods.
I wonder if that is at all based on you ethic background??? I’m English, Scottish, and German… no short light mood swings, but maybe if you came from a background closer to the equator, it effects you more????

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