Hanging Bowls


New Member
Sep 26, 2006
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Hendersonville Tennessee
Well i went to my local Petco today just to look around as i usually do when there is nothing to do... well they have had this Hanging betta bowl on one of thier poles near the aquatics... the fish that was in it two weeks ago looked happy because it was bigger than the little tub that he was in. Me and my Boyfriend go into today and the water has a layer of slime on the top and the poor betta is dead and so skinny... I told the aquatics manager that the fish was dead and that maybe if he had fed him he wouldn't be that way! but it was horrible... here is the link to the bowl and people actually like it... i mean personally I don't think it can hold a gallon of water... but thats just me.

Edit: It's no different to what most people keep their bettas in (space-wise), except this one hangs on the wall.
They are pretty tiny. I saw one that was a desk lamp betta bowl. Very tiny but the fish in it seemed happy enough and it was clean. I don't think I'd want to be a desk lamp though!?!
Absolutely discusting practice. There aint enough room for a Betta in there as from experience they like nothing but pretty much non stop swimming, I have had the pleasure of owning many betta's over the years and think for me it is one of the most beautiful and elegant tropical fish there is. I would still have them now but currently there not compatible with my current tank mates. Some of these things come as table displays with flowers hanging out of them and they very rarely have heaters or lights so not good for the fish.

Should get the owner and stick them in a small room with no central heating or lights and see how they like it.

Sorry for the rant but this kinda thing makes me mad. :angry:
no keep ranting, you're taking some of my anger out too. It's soo bad the way they treat bettas and BTD (betta tortue devices) are just so bad.
I keep my 2 male bettas in a separated ten gallon :)
They love it!
Well, no use sitting here saying how horrible it is to other people who know full well how horrible it is. Go out there and edumacate some people! See someone buying one of those things, wander on over and set them straight via a pleasant, polite, and casual conversation. If you can't convince them otherwise, then you tried. They will just have to fork out more money for more fish and go on not caring. But I think most people would be more open to suggestions given it was said in a conversational manner. (Hey, you could even print out a photo of your awesome looking tank and show them how much nicer a larger, decorated tank looks. Even go over how much easier it is to take care of a larger tank. And all those other nice benefits that appeal to their pocketbooks and valuable time.)
I agree with Kyrielle we do need to talk to people! i wanted to give the manager a piece of my mind... but why would he listen to a 16 year old.... but i am glad there is a petsmart like 15 minutes down the road in bad traffic... i perfer thier stores much more and thier betta care... and thier all around fish care... petco is the only store that sells these kinda of tanks... i found another site thoug that advertised bubble bowls or something like that... the opening was larger so you could clean the tank easily and it held over a gallon of water... wich is the least amount of space i would ever put and fish in... but thats just me!
I personally have talked to fellow customers in the pet store about what they are putting there Bettas into, and reminded them that just because the poor fish can "survive" doesn't make it right.... But then again I'm known in PetSmart as a regular with too much advice ;)...... Buts it's worth being a bit of nuisance if I open up the eyes of one potential betta owner as far as I'm concerned.... All we can do is educate those new to fish keeping (because sadly the people in the fish store don't always)....
Thats horrible that they do that to their fish. I dont believe in fish in bowls, so i bought my two males each their own tank :)
it actually seems like a good idea. but it would be dangerous i would think. and only people that have a betta just because and for decorations would actually use it.
Iv seen 'em, they arnt bad at all actually. Id prefer them to some of the other monstrositys out there. They arnt as thin as they may appear, and a betta can live safetly and comfortably. Not to mention they've got an excellent view of daily human life to keep the entertained. Something a betta in a bowl wont get just sitting on a desk at waist level.
that isn't a fish tank
thats a vase, nailed to a wall
and vases are for flowers
not fish.

(and theres not a chance in hell i'd risk hanging a gallon of water on one nail with a living creature in it)

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