Hand Fed Pleco Video


Fish Addict
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
west midlands,uk
take a look at this, what a wonderful looking pleco!

My link

here's another where a pleco attacks some Paraná because it stole his food.lol

I have to admit I used to think they were pretty ugly but I think've changed my mind. That one was like a little puppy. :wub:

Do all varieties get really big? I only have a 63l tank would there be any suitable for that size, like a pygmy type!
I have to admit I used to think they were pretty ugly but I think've changed my mind. That one was like a little puppy. :wub:

Do all varieties get really big? I only have a 63l tank would there be any suitable for that size, like a pygmy type!
do some plecos get big? YUP, some will grow to at least 2 foot in length.lol

i have just been bought 2 x clown plecos, they grow to about 5 inches max, these would be fine, my tank is 60 liters maybe 3-5 more but 60 initially. oter pleco's to consider are:

bristle nose plecos
My link

clown plecos
My link

bulldog pleco
My link

pitbull pleco

My link

butterfly pleco

My link

basically any pleco pretty much less than 5-6 inches as an adult. make sure if your thinking of getting one to research the water temp, ph etc that it needs. also somthing to note is that some are VERY territorial and can get agressive towards other plecos and fish in your tank. hiding places and wood are a must.

here is a link from thisforum of 30 plecos less than 8 inches, look for t ones below 5 inches in lenth.
30 plecs under 8 inches.

EDIT: google the pleco names from the above link, some are fantasic :)
hope this helps

i tried this just outta interest last night, my guppies took from my hand, my RTBS hovered around hoovering anything that fell and my plec's...... didnt even move :rolleyes: worth a try lol
i tried this just outta interest last night, my guppies took from my hand, my RTBS hovered around hoovering anything that fell and my plec's...... didnt even move :rolleyes: worth a try lol

lol, was worth a try.

they are clever fish, they know the food will hit the bottom at some point so why make an effort.lol
Excellent vids, thanks for sharing. My big guy feeds from my hand too, sorry its a rubbish pic.

I have a sailfin in with a turtle, he chases the turtle if it comes too close when he is feeding and will sometimes steal a prawn from the turtle (the turtle is only little)

Pleco's are just soooooooooooooooooo cool!

i tried this just outta interest last night, my guppies took from my hand, my RTBS hovered around hoovering anything that fell and my plec's...... didnt even move :rolleyes: worth a try lol

Try a piece of cucumber, hold it down the bottom of the tank just away from them when they come to you let it feed then move it again, but very slowly so you dont startle them, do this each time with cucumber over a couple of weeks or so then once they smell it in the tank they will come up for it. Its how I "trained" mine. I also call his name too and he comes now when I call him (sometimes he is a bit stubborn lol) just in case I have something for him.
My BN likes to come out during the day to eat everytime I put a wafer at the bottom. I am slowly trying to get her to eat out of my hand.
Never see my Plec.

He likes to "Spider Man" under Matt_lee's Ship. ( Witch i brought )

Thanks again Matt.

He FINALLY has more room!!

Before he had nothing and was forced into a cramped space :(

I NEVER See my plec!

Can any-one help m out so i can get him to be less shy?
what pleco is this?


not sure, i will do a little research, i am however annoyed at the people in the vid keeping a fish out of the water for almost a minute! very cruel indeed. suffocation happens quickly in fish :(

EDIT: I think its a L215 / L141 Peckoltia snethlageae, maybe not exact but possibly, most definatly a member of the Peckoltia family?

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