ok here is the information that i didn't fill in.
1. I bought him at a pet store Thursday for my daughter who loves Betta. She named him "Merlin" as in the movie. lol I changed the water part way as it was kinda dirty and let him sit in the small container that came from the store. I put in a few drops of med to not to grow any kind of diseases. The next morning, I drained the water part way and put in the tank water part way for a day. Then I put him in a 55 gal in a cleared nest container. He was doing fine. But I didn't study him to see how well he swim. a few hours later I let him go freely. That when I noticed he was trying to swim down and float up. I fed the fish in the tank and realized he wasn't hungry or motivated. That when I started to pay close attn. I have never had Bettas that run into this problem except getting the fungus etc. He is in with the guppies mostly babies and a mom.. Khuli loaches (3) and a bumble bee catfish. There are no long fins fish in there as they were transferred to another tank with king male Betta and are doing fine along with 2 Khuli loaches and plants. For the info, long fins fish love to eat babies non stop. so they have to move to another tank.
2. The tank has water change every 3-4 weeks with water test kit check. lots of plants in there. yes two medias going and one fluval 104. Have one heater in there at 80 degrees at steady. tank is 55 gal. Feed them with TetraMin tropical flakes and his Betta food. Not tank mate for this male betta. had him since Thursday-new.
Yesterday, Merlin was doing fine as he was able to swim down and stay for a while and up to get air. I didn't feed him until today and he ate. He is still swimming back to normal. Shall I keep a close eye on him for the next few days? I am going to try to post a pick of him, Merlin