Hair Styles And Colours

Ya... I had a goatee for about 2 years and one day decided to shave it off. Went to see my mom that day... she didnt even notice. I spent two hours eating dinner and talking with her before I finally said... "so... I shaved".... she paused and was like... OMG you did! Wouldn't that be the first thing you would notice? something different about someones face? :shout: Atleast people noticed yours...

Well the goatee is back now... and guess I should add.... only one hair style and color is needed in the world... your natural color (mine happens to be brown) and about 3-4mm long at most. I Love me a good brush cut

Ox :good:
Ya... I had a goatee for about 2 years and one day decided to shave it off. Went to see my mom that day... she didnt even notice. I spent two hours eating dinner and talking with her before I finally said... "so... I shaved".... she paused and was like... OMG you did! Wouldn't that be the first thing you would notice? something different about someones face? :shout: Atleast people noticed yours...

Well the goatee is back now... and guess I should add.... only one hair style and color is needed in the world... your natural color (mine happens to be brown) and about 3-4mm long at most. I Love me a good brush cut

Ox :good:

I still liked your previous "avitar" more...... I don't recognize you with this one.
I would comment but my hair is brown and straight and long. Other than a few months with highlights, it has never really been anything different.

I must agree though, Miss Wiggle, I like the pink!

thanks nina!
people on here have good hair mine just sucks!

I have 2 different hairstyles (well kinda) oh and my hair colour has nothing to do with my username...its just a coincidence ;)



tbh i dont know what happened in the first picture lol
ok heres mine, in no particular order








and when it was long


me third one in with the trilby hat and wand lol

yes shes an attractive girl

see thats how you say it ;)

edit: oh and Miss Wiggle i agree with the fact that pink looks best!
miss wiggle, you look stunning in those pics, i wouldnt have thought you were the sort to have pink hair :lol: really really suits you, but you look lovely as you are now too :)

Ludwig wehen you start wearing lipstick, we wanna be the first to know ;)

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