my tap water is very soft coming out of the tap at around 7.4 with zero kH and gH. The po4 reads at 1.6ppm straight from the tap so my water is not good. Thankfully each time I've tested nitrate from the tap it's always been zero
GH is primarily a measure of Alkali earth elements in the water. Magnesium and Calcium are the most common.
my tap water is very soft coming out of the tap at around 7.4 with zero kH and gH.
I personally will not buy any fertilizer that doesn't say which nutrients it covers. Some are intended for use with tap water and therefore mainly have NPK. Others may say no nitrate or phosphate on the front. But on the back then list it in ithe ingredients. Some manufactures assumes the tap water delivers all the micro elements plants need.
I add Easylife Profito fertilizer daily (taking the weekly recommended dose and dividing it by 7) and also Easycarbo too. The Profito doesn't give me a list of nutrients but it does say it doesn't contain phosphate or nitrate which is why I chose this fert - I didn't want to add anything I already have in abundance.