Hair Algae Problem


New Member
Apr 3, 2011
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UK, Cornwall
My tank has been excellent until the hair algae started to grow now my plants aint growing like they were and its starting to p%+s me off.
Have any of you guys and gals have any advice for me, like is there a treatment what i can add to the water to kill the stuff?
Ive cut my light hours down to 10 per day also.
Please help!!!!!!!!!!
I have a hair algea problem right now & have cut my light hours by 1 so it is now 5 hours a day.

10 hours seems a bit much.
Hey i had the same problem (not pretty) i just got a pair of thai flying fox and they have eaten ALL OF IT they're great!!! :good:
Hair algae may not respond to a dropped photo period, cutting you hours won't hurt though, try cutting it to 8. Hair algae is exacerbated by poor flow of water around the tank, low C02 and low nutrient levels.
Is Hair Algae the long green cotton like stuff or the darker shorter (makes your ornaments look like its got a skinhead hair cut :) ).

I had both so I bought some stuff called AlgExit, treat once a week for four weeks. I am on the third treatment and there is a vast reduction in both.

I was pulling it out every couple of days (ooh err missus) in big clumps, now its just the odd strand.

At the same time I adjusted the filter (Fluval U4) to use the lower exit which seems to have given a better flow through the plants.
Taken from James' planted tank

Cause - A range of causes including low CO2, low nutrient levels and ammonia spikes. Nothing to do with excess iron as commonly thought.

Removal - Can be very difficult to eradicate at times. A high plant mass with good CO2 and a good supply of nutrients along with constantly hassling the algae seems to pay off after a while. Removal by twisting around a toothbrush or similar. Overdosing Flourish Excel can help. Amano shrimps, Rosy barbs and mollies will often eat it.

Taken from James' planted tank

Cause - A range of causes including low CO2, low nutrient levels and ammonia spikes. Nothing to do with excess iron as commonly thought.

Removal - Can be very difficult to eradicate at times. A high plant mass with good CO2 and a good supply of nutrients along with constantly hassling the algae seems to pay off after a while. Removal by twisting around a toothbrush or similar. Overdosing Flourish Excel can help. Amano shrimps, Rosy barbs and mollies will often eat it.


Ok so increase my co2 & fertz & this will sort it out? I will od excel as well.
And your flow/circulation.
James' website is the bees kness but I would never overdose Excel. Unless ofcourse he's referring to exceeding what the bottle says, to a more realisitic dosage of 1ml per 20litres (which is what most of us use anyway).

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