Hair Algae! Nitrites + Nitrates Spike

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Mar 13, 2008
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I need some help please, (how ever I wish I found this site before I got my tank)

Tank 60x30x35 63Liters
media filter system in a 'hidden' compartment at the back of the tank.
1 course sponge filter, 1 medium sponge filter, 1 filter which looks like cotton wool.

15w Daylight tube light

I had my tank for 10 days before adding some fish (which was recommended by the store), I have a community of 6x cardinal tetra, 2x molly, 1 pair of dwarf gouramis. One day after adding the fish the tank went slightly cloudy and cleared within 24 hours.

I also had one plant Nomaphila Stricta Thai.

I then found this web site and started to do a water change of 15% every other day I also got a tetra chemical test kit.

That was all of 2 weeks ago.

Two days ago, I got rid of my plastic plants and purchased some real plants along with JBL the 7 balls to put in the gravel substrate (which is 3-4mm). I also got a JBL BioCo2 100 because my first plant 'Stricta Thai' leaves started to go brown at the top and I was told it needs Co2.

I put the 7 balls in the gravel, hooked up the Jbl Co2 100 and planted the following plants.

Lilaeopsis novea-zelandiae (grass plant to cover the floor i hope)
Alternanthera lilacina (red plant to add contrast)
Ceratopteris siliquosa (fast growing to help the tank)
Limnophila heterophylia (fast growing to help the tank)

DAY Before adding new plants Co2 etc..
NH3 + NH4 = 0.00 mg/l
NO2 = 0.80 mg/l
NO3 = 25 mg/l (test strip)
GH = 13 d
KH = 7 d
pH = 8
CO2 = 4 (from KH/PH Table)

Day plants +Co2 were added (after they were added 15% WC)
NH3 + NH4 = 0.25 mg/l
NO2 = 0.80 mg/l
NO3 = 25 mg/l (test strip)
GH = 13 d
KH = 7 d
pH = 8
CO2 = 4 (from KH/PH Table)

24 hours with plants Co2 + JBL 7 Balls
NH3 + NH4 = 0.50 mg/l
NO2 = 3.30 mg/l
NO3 = 50 mg/l (test strip)
GH = 13 d
KH = 7 d
pH = 7.5
CO2 = 7 (from KH/PH Table)

I performed a 30% Water Change and took the test readings again.

NH3 + NH4 = 0.00 mg/l
NO2 = 1.6 mg/l
NO3 = 50 mg/l (test strip)

I just tested again today

NH3 + NH4 = 0.0 mg/l
NO2 = 3.30 mg/l
NO3 = 50+ mg/l (test strip)
GH = 13 d
KH = 7 d
pH = 7.5
CO2 = 7 (from KH/PH Table)

I think I will have to do a 50% water change please advise me.

Also this morning after some research I found that I have hair algae mostly on the novea-zelandiae (grass), and on some of the Thai leaves. Whats best to get rid of it?

Oh on the Red plant a couple leaves seem thin and have one or two holes.

Need help whats causing the sudden rise in nitrites & nitrates? What should I do next???

I used Denitrol for the first 10 days. I use Ferropol for the plants and Biotopol when i change the water.

After all that I would like your advice as i'm a noob at this and do not what to stress or kill the fish

thanks in advance


A picture of my tank
Your algae is very definitely a result of the NH3 and NO2 spikes. NH3 is a very strong trigger for algae.

BTW did you add all those fish in one go?

You got some really bad advice from the shop there, ok you left the tank for 10days by when a tank is newly set up the filter needs time to mature. At most you need to add 3 or 4 fish that are hardy, I unfortunately don't think all your fish will survive. Do you know about new tank syndrome?

You need to do a very large 80% water change each day until the NH3 and NO2 readings are 0. Which could take a few weeks.

ok thank you very much for the reply.

Yes all the fish were added at once, i thought the increased rates might have been the JBL 7 Balls.

JUst performed a 50% water change and didnt have much affect on the rates - will have to do it again tonight.



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