Hagen Natural Co2 System


Mar 20, 2011
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Has anyone ever used one of these?
Are they any good?
I'm considering different ways of adding CO2, for when i add some plants

Not my pic just one i got off the internet...
I'm really not sure about these. I know the more common ones work but are very expensive. I'm currently trying to get all the bits together to make my own using a fire extinguisher.
I recieved some flourish excel

Some i'm also going to try that out, but in the 60l tank at first.
I started using one of these last weekend. It seems to be working OK in my 100 litre, but I am experimenting with different recipes of yeast and sugar at the moment. (I am aiming to get a good supply for two weeks before changing the mixture, but some say it will last 3 weeks if you get it right.)

I also put a drop checker in the tank to check the CO2 levels and this has been showing constant green (which is ideal).

The yeast that was supplied with the unit is dead so it didn't work at first, but it is easy enough to buy your own and the stabiliser included in the pack is just bicarbonate of soda. So there is no need to buy Hagen's own expensive stuff.

Now I am trying a mix of 1/2 teaspoon Allinson's fast acting bread yeast and 1/2 tsp bicarbonate with granulated white sugar and it has been putting out a constant flow of 14 bubbles per minute and the ladder/diffuser works fine. You can actually see the bubbles of CO2 dissolving in the water before they get to the top. The ladder is also invisible in my tank hidden behind some Hygrophila. This mix has been going now for 4 days.

My pH also came down from 8.0 to 6.8 and now seems to have settled on 7. My algae is also disappearing.

So all in all I am very happy with it, but it is still early days. This is my first venture into CO2 and I am thinking of getting a proper system for my 200 litre.A picture of the 100 litre is here in case you want to see how planted it is:


The ladder in the tank is here:


I'm really not sure about these. I know the more common ones work but are very expensive. I'm currently trying to get all the bits together to make my own using a fire extinguisher.

Mind you dont kill all your family in their sleep then.

http://www.neatorama.com/2007/05/21/the-strangest-disaster-of-the-20th-century/ <---- an interesting read, which put me off a bit myself, lal :D
lets just set a few things straight...you will certainly not kill 'you or your family' in your sleep with DIY C02. You obviously have to be careful setting up a Fe method C02. Just be aware of how many pressurised Fe's we have around us in everyday life.

Back to the Hagen kit. The Hagen fit is fine on small tanks, IE, up to about 20-30 ltrs. The canisters are only 500mls, so theres not going to be much in the way of C02 production. Just be aware as well that the yeast method can actually give you more algae, as the C02 isn't consistent. Fluctuations in C02 can course Black brush algae.

Have a read of this if your interested in the yeast method.

I really couldn't believe a word after "The man tied the antelope onto his bicycle and continued on"

There was two bits in it that were completely conflicting too.

There's some loonys about to make this stuff up.

Anyways, I'm using a template from someone who has done one before. I have no experience of pressurised containers but I'm sure it'll be grand.
erm, its an extremely well documented natural disaster micko, lol, very interesting too :)

I looked into what you are doing a while ago too micko, but the cost of the parts, i.e. the regulator, solenoid valve etc just added up to a silly price and it worked out cheaper to invest in a 2nd hand JBL Co2 kit from eBay.

Be interesting to see what template you are looking into though.

I'll be having a go at the cola bottle DIY method myself on my 90L at some point, just for the sake of having a go really.

At the moment daily additions of Flourish Excel have made a lot of my plants in my 240L spring into life.
Really? Never heard of it.
I would love to see any man trying to tie an antelope to a bike though.

I won't be using it on a tank with fish in it. I will be firstly trying it out on a plant only tank. See how it goes from there. If its good then I'll use it on my main tank.

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