Hagen Elite Mini Filter

Siamese Fighting

Fish Fanatic
Mar 9, 2008
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I am setting up yet another tank, and it shouldn't exceed 15L as it's really just going to be used for breeding/hospital tank. I imagine most of you have this scenario, so it this a good buy for 6.81?

I've had this running for a few days now, in a 15L breeding tank - it's designed for 15-20L but it's so powerful! Even on the lowest setting..

Anyone know of any decent small filters that work for up to 20L without giving my fish a work out?
I use the Red Sea nano filter on some of my small tanks. You could also try turning the Elite Mini's nozzle towards one of the glass sides.
You could also try putting a small piee of foam or filter wool in the nozzle. Pull the nozzle off and put it in the tube shaped bit. The shape of it holds the foam in place. This worked for my betta tank.
If you're using it for a breeding tank, the foot of a pair of tights (or a knee high) over the intake slots will stop any fry being sucked in.

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