Had to euthanize #2


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
i told you guys a while ago that the betta i rescued from my neighbour had dropsy. :sick:
his name was #2 (the kid named him after the goon on austin powers)
i have been holding on to false hopes that it would be the rare case that got better :-(
well it has had it for about 3 weeks i think now and its NOT getting any better. :/
it is about 4 times its original size and every scale on its body is straight out!
i have gone to euthanize it about 4 times now but as soon as its in the baggy it is swimming around and jumping and everything! :blink:
well yesterday his little belly went from a dark grey to a light brown and he looked as if he was going to burst! :-(
he was swimming fine but he's been gasping all along and his side fins stick straight out!
it had gone on long enough
last night i but him in a baggy in the freezer, and he began to swim around so i reached for the baggy, then with much will power stopped myself.
like i said it looked like he was gunna explode and it was getting worse! :byebye:
i loved that fish :rip:
i can't open my freezer to remove the baggy cause i might cry :byebye: :-( :byebye: :-( :byebye: :-(
Awww...I'm so sorry :-( I probably would have made the same decision. It's hard to watch something suffer when you know the outcome is not going to be good. You made a very un-selfish decision. :rip:
Dang I hate to be negative here!
Please forgive me, I know you didn't know better, but next time, PLEASE read the pinned section in the beginners section on euthanasia.

Actuallly I feel that Eutanasia thread should be pinned in all the areas.

This is copied from the Euthenasia tread:

Unacceptable methods of Euthanasia
1. – Flushing a fish down the lavatory
2. – Removing them from the water until death occurs
3. – Plunging them in either boiling or freezing water
4. – Freezing them to death, this method causes pain and immense stress.
– Knocking them unconscious without destroying their brain.

Now, all that said, I want to say how sorry I am that #2 did not respond to your care. I know you tried all you could, and you should be commended for at least trying to save him. Sorry it didn't work out.
I'm sure that is the way someone else told her how to do it. I don't think she would have used it had she known this might not be the best way to do it. Maybe you could post the link. Alot of people are not aware there is a section on that here.

Edit: I'm sorry I don't know if you are male or female. Pardon me if I got it wrong.
Loboto-Me said:
4. – Freezing them to death, this method causes pain and immense stress.
– Knocking them unconscious without destroying their brain.
i must say i was a little disturbed and hurt by you telling me this.
you know how much i loved that fish and how much it hurt to have to euthanize.
but i am not hurt by you, in fact i thank you for your support
i am greatly hurt in the way that,
i have been working in pet shops for years, in fact i was a fish manager in one for a short time before having to move, and have NEVER (if you can beleive it) had to euthanize a fish before.
i seem to have a skill for detecting disease and successfully treating it.
the odd occasions where i didn't catch it in time the fish died naturally
the worst part is that every time i have heard of people euthanizing fish it has been through freezing.
this method is the only method i have heard of that i considered humane
and as for posting the "euthanasia" post in all sections, this would be greatly appreciated, as i consider the "begginer" section for beginning hobbiest which i am not.

just one question... how do you KNOW that the fish feels pain through this method?
another note,
i don't think that i could EVER be able to "decapitate" my fish by any method.
it would be like "decapitating" one of your children when you found out the had an inoporatable tumour. :crazy:
It's ok PK, it's done :/

I've only had to euthanize once...and I too did the freezer method and it sucked!!! There's absolutely no way I could have smashed the fish in the head or decapitated it. The freezer method does take a little bit longer, but really...it's only seconds. AND what if you DID club it to death (aack, just the thought :X ) and missed the 'kill spot'! And had to go back for another hit, tell me THAT wouldn't be painful.

It's a very touchy subject and I expect 'non betta forum dwelling members' to arrive anytime now.... :shifty:

So sorry you had to deal with it :/ but IMO, it's for the best, the poor fish would be suffering to death as we speak if you hadn't. You did the right thing and put it out of it's misery.
wuvmybetta said:
It's ok PK, it's done :/

I've only had to euthanize once...and I too did the freezer method and it sucked!!! There's absolutely no way I could have smashed the fish in the head or decapitated it. The freezer method does take a little bit longer, but really...it's only seconds. AND what if you DID club it to death (aack, just the thought :X ) and missed the 'kill spot'! And had to go back for another hit, tell me THAT wouldn't be painful.

It's a very touchy subject and I expect 'non betta forum dwelling members' to arrive anytime now.... :shifty:

So sorry you had to deal with it :/ but IMO, it's for the best, the poor fish would be suffering to death as we speak if you hadn't. You did the right thing and put it out of it's misery.
I might have done euthanasia by freezing if I had a choice. Not many of us have access to ethyl alcohol. No way do I have the heart to hit/mutilate a creature so tiny and left so vulnerable. I'd rather let nature and physics do its thing than me bringing the final deathblow by my hand. But I would do it in a nice small container with a few of color pebbles from his tank to remind him of the sanctuary of home before he sleeps. It is a creature who depends solely on its owner to live. It should deserve at least some dignity when it dies.
I'm sorry about your loss, pointy_kitty. I've never had to euthenize a fish myself, but my dad had to, when I was little. It was a goldfish that had dropsy, just like yours did. He froze it because he couldnt bare to smash its head in or something horrible like that. He hated doing it too, but it's for the best.

At least #2 isn't suffering anymore.
I'm still wondering why everyone thinks it's still a choice between freezing or decapitating/knocking out the fish? (something I could never ever do) :S

There's also the clove oil method... or other anesthesia that can be used.... I have a bottle of oil of clove in my med cabinet just in case I should have to euthanise one of my fish (thank goodness that's never happened yet). It's also good for toothaches :D that humans get. Unfortunately, I've heard it's unavailable in the States, but there are other methods of anesthesising meds that ARE available in the states. If you want to know the clove oil method... there has been a good thread on it here and there at this site in the past (perhaps a search would find it).
Hmmm hope those "terrorists" didn't make these posts disappear! :X
There's also the clove oil method... or other anesthesia that can be used.... I have a bottle of oil of clove in my med cabinet just in case I should have to euthanise one of my fish (thank goodness that's never happened yet). It's also good for toothaches that humans get. Unfortunately, I've heard it's unavailable in the States, but there are other methods of anesthesising meds that ARE available in the states. If you want to know the clove oil method... there has been a good thread on it here and there at this site in the past (perhaps a search would find it).

But Clove oil IS AVAILABLE IN THE US!!!!
I promise. go to any of your local pharmacies, and ask them to show you where it is if they carry it, or to order it if they don't. It's Not expensive, and a good number of them carry it in stock on a regular basis. If they do need to order it, most times it's available in 1-2 working days. I didn't Know that it was a good fish anesthesia, but you learn something new every day.

fairyrose said:
There's also the clove oil method... or other anesthesia that can be used.... I have a bottle of oil of clove in my med cabinet just in case I should have to euthanise one of my fish (thank goodness that's never happened yet). It's also good for toothaches  that humans get. Unfortunately, I've heard it's unavailable in the States, but there are other methods of anesthesising meds that ARE available in the states. If you want to know the clove oil method... there has been a good thread on it here and there at this site in the past (perhaps a search would find it).

But Clove oil IS AVAILABLE IN THE US!!!!
I promise. go to any of your local pharmacies, and ask them to show you where it is if they carry it, or to order it if they don't. It's Not expensive, and a good number of them carry it in stock on a regular basis. If they do need to order it, most times it's available in 1-2 working days. I didn't Know that it was a good fish anesthesia, but you learn something new every day.

:huh: how do you use it?
But Clove oil IS AVAILABLE IN THE US!!!!
I promise. go to any of your local pharmacies, and ask them to show you where it is if they carry it, or to order it if they don't. It's Not expensive, and a good number of them carry it in stock on a regular basis. If they do need to order it, most times it's available in 1-2 working days. I didn't Know that it was a good fish anesthesia, but you learn something new every day.

how do you use it?

The clearest explanation of how to use clove oil that i could find is at:
Clove oil is also successful at 45 drops per gallon or 25 drops per litre. The fish should be left in the anaesthetic solution for a couple of hours or more to ensure that recovery does not occur following removal of the fish, if in doubt physical destruction of the brain should be carried out. People have been known to have used fizzing antacid tablets for the purpose the CO2 puts them to sleep, then it is essential that the brain should be destroyed

Most bottles i have seen of clove oil would carry at least 25 drops, but perhaps not much more... they are maybe 1/2 oz. but the cost shouldn't prohibit buying two.

Please note: i haven't used this myself... but i intend to in the future if i need to deal with a fish who's suffering, and unable to be saved.
it seems the most humane and least traumatic for both owner and fish. I don't know if i could bring myself to just hit a fish on the head... :sad:

The statements from the FDA about using clove oil in fish, seem to be directed mainly at Food Quality fish, that are to be served to humans, in LFS, and to Vets.
I really doubt that they are interested in what hobbists use in their own home to help the passing of a loved pet easier. I am trying to do more research on that end..... I'll keep everyone updated.


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