Had to Eliminate my Danios'

I haven't had any problems with my Danio's....yet. I hope everything continues to go well...they are very active but still mind their manners. lol I think they learned pretty quickly that chasing my Rainbow/Ruby Shark wouldn't work. :p
Danio's are mean. The 5 in my 10g killed an Oto and forced me to move the remaining Oto to safety in my 29g where between the TB's and RFS they know thier place. He also has more places to hide there too. I'm going to see if the LFS will take them off my hands. ALL of them that's what I get for buying too many 1$ fish. I just want the tank space back. I ended up with so many because the lfs person couldn't catch the 10 I asked for.

Anybody want some ZD's? :thumbs:
dwarfs said:
They'd be living another couple minutes :lol:
I'm not sure about that. The oscar is only maybe 3.5" long body length and has proven to be a poor hunter(at least when hunting ghost shrimp) So a school might have a chance. Right now the danios are hanging out in a 5G hex(the oscars former home)
I've got 5 zebras in my set up. I have never seen them chasing any other fish though.

They are complete loonies the way they rip around the tank (in the mornings especially) but generally just keep to themselves

:angel: - so far.......
i had the same with mine... thats why hes on his own....

he wasnt killin other fish, he was killin his own kind :(

well iv got some more commin over the weekend, if he cant mind his manners ill set my ars (albino rainbow shark) on him :grr:
In defense of danios, I'd like to say that I've never had a problem with them and they are just the absolute sweetest, little guys. I will keep danios for as long as I have an aquarium. :D
to be far i have five in a little 100 litre tank and have never had any trouble with them :thumbs:

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