Had to Eliminate my Danios'


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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Actually I didn't eliminate them I transfered them to another tank. But I'm not sure what to do with them. I've been losing small fish in my 46 G tank a few a day. So today was sunday and I had time to watch them very closely most of the day. What I say was the danios singling out one fish and chasing the daylights out of it. Either a cherry barb or neon/cardinal. Sure enough the fish the were chasing died a few hours ago. So I just fished them out though it required taking out all the rocks plants and driftwood as they're very fast little buggers.

I'm hoping the fish survive the trauma of the tank being re-arranged. One of the rocks fell over and trapped a yo-yo loach under it. So I may have a dead yo-yo in a few hours I'm not really sure on that one I'd be sad to see one of my yo-yo's die due to these stupid danios but accidents happen.
kgrehm said:
What is wrong with the tank? Is it just the other fish?
Nothing wrong with the tank. It was the danios singling out small fish and chasing and nipping them till they die then moving on to the next target.
I loved mine at first, still love their constant movement, but when mine were gone, I didnt replace them. Mine tortured a trio of marbled hatchets to ich/death. :grr:

They were cycle fish and lived for about 3 years.
cometcattle said:
I loved mine at first, still love their constant movement, but when mine were gone, I didnt replace them. Mine tortured a trio of marbled hatchets to ich/death. :grr:

They were cycle fish and lived for about 3 years.
Yeah they're very active. But to date they're responsible for 1 cherry barb, between 3-6 neons, 2-4 cardinal tetras.

So it was time for them to find a new home. Now I'll be able to replace the fish that I lost. The tank may be a little less active but the colorful fish won't be hiding in the corners fearing for their lives.
Hmm...I've never heard of danios actually torturing fish. That's scary. They are considered fin nippers though. I have a couple and haven't had any problems yet.

Well, let me tell you about Gimpy.

Gimpy is one of two Zebra Danios I bought for my first tank - a 3-Gallon. The other Danio, Whimpy (RIP!) was stressed to death by Gimpy. Shortly after I lost Whimpy, I added a couple more small fish...and the same thing happened. Gimpy stressed them out. I upgraded the tank to a 5-Gallon, and added other fish - and Gimpy stressed them out as well.

In September, I bought a 30-Gallon and (not knowing any better) added Gimpy and a few fish all to the tank at once. Most of the fish I added at setup lasted literally months and were bigger than the little Danio, so he didn't bother them.

Then in December, I started buying a few small Tetras...and Gimpy was right back to his usual self. Chasing fish and stressing them out. I won't count the deaths of fish before the water readings became stable because even though he was chasing them quite a bit, I can't gurantee that he killed them off. However, since the tank water has been stable, he has been responsible for bullying and stressing a couple smaller fish. I've seen him TRY to stress out the bigger fish in teh tank (including the Knife I had until recently) but...I think he's finally gotten the hint to leave them alone. ;) Besides, I seem to have a new bully. A Male Sailfin Molly. (Fortunately, the Sailfin only seems to pick on other Mollies - male or female, sailfin or balloon...*sigh*)

Anyway, not really advice on what you can do. :( But yeah - I've had the same problem.
How many danios do you have? In my experience, danios are like tiger barbs in that the more you have, the less of a problem they are. If you do have a small school, you may have better luck with a larger one.
I know that's kind of a strange answer..."My danios are killing my fish"
"Go buy more!" but sometimes it does help.
Sorrell said:
How many danios do you have? In my experience, danios are like tiger barbs in that the more you have, the less of a problem they are. If you do have a small school, you may have better luck with a larger one.
I know that's kind of a strange answer..."My danios are killing my fish"
"Go buy more!" but sometimes it does help.
I had 6.
dwarfs said:
If a danio bothered my fish, they wouldn't look to good afterwards :lol:
I had considered seeing how they'd fare living with my oscar.
what kind? i had some cool giants. they ended up eating my guppies like candy so i decided they would make good and FAST dither fish. they were fast but my jag was stealthy...all dithers are caught sooner or later :huh:

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