Actually I didn't eliminate them I transfered them to another tank. But I'm not sure what to do with them. I've been losing small fish in my 46 G tank a few a day. So today was sunday and I had time to watch them very closely most of the day. What I say was the danios singling out one fish and chasing the daylights out of it. Either a cherry barb or neon/cardinal. Sure enough the fish the were chasing died a few hours ago. So I just fished them out though it required taking out all the rocks plants and driftwood as they're very fast little buggers.
I'm hoping the fish survive the trauma of the tank being re-arranged. One of the rocks fell over and trapped a yo-yo loach under it. So I may have a dead yo-yo in a few hours I'm not really sure on that one I'd be sad to see one of my yo-yo's die due to these stupid danios but accidents happen.
I'm hoping the fish survive the trauma of the tank being re-arranged. One of the rocks fell over and trapped a yo-yo loach under it. So I may have a dead yo-yo in a few hours I'm not really sure on that one I'd be sad to see one of my yo-yo's die due to these stupid danios but accidents happen.